Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 472 It's My Mind Is Not Well

Chapter 472 It's My Mind Is Not Well
"Good job, girl. I was thinking about going to your place these two days, but I didn't expect you to arrive first. It's just that, come and have dinner with me." When Lou Qingping saw Bai Ningxiang, his originally serious face eased a lot .

"I can't wish for it." The more she got in touch with Aunt Ping, the more Bai Ningxiang understood her. Under her cold and heartless face, there was a benevolent heart of a doctor.

After dinner, the two sat in the living room talking and chatting, Lou Qingping also described to her the situation of going to the county magistrate's house for consultation today, and then shook his head.

"The back house is restless, sad and hurt, why bother."

A New Year's upset.

"Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite." Bai Ningxiang looked helpless when she thought of her family's situation.

"What's wrong girl? Are you more upset than me?" Lou Qingping looked at Bai Ningxiang's expression, took a sip from the teacup, and asked amusedly.

"You made Aunt Ping laugh, I really have something to ask for. Spring is here, and the mountain flowers are in full bloom. If Aunt Ping is free, can you go to the countryside for a few days?" Bai Ningxiang was blunt, and directly stated her intention.

"Oh? What are you begging me for?"

Bai Ningxiang put down the teacup in her hand, thinking about what to say.

"Cough cough... My mother's temper has been different since she gave birth. Although she is still gentle, she is stubborn. She seems very dissatisfied with me. Of course, my temper is not good either. Didn't follow her either."

"When I was angry, I occasionally choked a few words, and then I found that the relationship between my mother and I had grown a lot. I have heard before that after a woman gives birth, some people will change their temperament drastically, and some people will become sensitive and worry about gains and losses. .”

"So, I wanted to come here and ask Aunt Ping, does my mother also have this problem?"

Bai Ningxiang was afraid that what she said was not careful enough, so she simply gave a few examples, and did not even hide today's dispute.

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's narration, Lou Qingping was silent for a while,
"You're right. Pregnancy and childbirth do change for women. At this time, family members need to take care of them. Pregnant women with a harmonious family generally don't change much. However, some people are prone to emotional fluctuations due to excessive pressure in their hearts. Coupled with the lack of care from family members, it is indeed easy to worry about gains and losses, sensitive and suspicious."

Liu Qingping said, seeing Bai Ningxiang's thoughtful expression, couldn't help but comfort her.

"Listening to your narration, your mother's condition is not serious. Maybe it's because of too much pressure in the early stage, and she only wanted a son. Now that her wish has been fulfilled, it's normal for her mentality to change. I'm usually relieved, and I slowly adjusted my mentality. .”

Of course, there are also some extreme ones who become extremely selfish, only protecting what they think is important, and don't care about the rest.

Listening to Aunt Ping's explanation, Bai Ningxiang was a little ashamed, she seemed to have ignored her mother's emotions, and she couldn't help being irritable when she made trouble for no reason.

"...It's because I didn't do a good job. Seeing my mother value my younger brother too much, I couldn't control my irritability."

I just think about making my mother's life better and someone is taking care of me, but I forget that psychological relief is equally important.

"You are just a little girl, what can you understand? As a daughter, you have done a good job. Aunt Ping has been bothering your house a lot, so she naturally understands your mother's temperament."

The more you look at a gentle and gentle person, the more stubborn you become, the harder it is to let go.

(End of this chapter)

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