Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 474: An Epiphany

Chapter 474: An Epiphany

Mrs. Shen was very happy about Mrs. Lou's arrival, and quickly asked Aunt Deng to clean up her room, "Hurry up and replace the bedding with new ones, and light incense in the room to remove the smell."

"Thank you Madam Bai, Yanxia, ​​go help."

Looking at Shen's radiant face, Mrs. Lou couldn't help frowning,
"Madam Bai looks good."

"That's right, I also think it's good. Mrs. Lou just arrived, take a shower and rest, and I'll clean you up at night."

Hearing Mrs. Lou's praise, Shen stroked her cheek, and the smile on her face became even brighter.

"Madam Bai is polite. I also came to bother you because I was thinking of the beautiful scenery in the countryside in spring. It is not easy for Madam to give birth at an advanced age. I will give Madam the pulse to see how her health is recovering?"

Mrs. Lou put her hand on her wrist, calmly, after a while.

"Madam is recovering very well, and she usually eats well, but she is a little depressed. No medicine is needed, just be more comfortable."

"Thank you, Doctor Lou."

Shen nodded, watching Doctor Lou bring the girl back to the house, she raised her hand to caress the position of her heart, these two days her heart was suffocated badly, even at night it was still aching.

Bai Ningxiang asked people to move the things to the room, and she delivered the things prepared for her mother to the main room herself.

"Mother, this is a gift I bought for you, I hope you like it."

"You have a heart."

Shen looked at a few bright jacquards, her eyes froze, "I'm afraid my mother won't be able to wear such a bright color, don't forget Xiangxiang, we haven't taken off the clothes yet."

"Of course I know this. The mansion will definitely look brand new when the service is removed in April. It's just that I may not have time to purchase these, so I took advantage of this opportunity to buy them in advance."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her and smiled lightly, "These are for my mother to wear after she gets rid of her clothes, and the box next to it is also a gift for her."

Shen Shi followed the woman's gaze and opened the box on the table. When she saw the golden hairpin inside, she couldn't help being taken aback.

"This is a golden orchid hairpin specially given to my mother. I hope my mother likes it. Although we are small families and within our means, my daughter still hopes that my mother can live happily."

When staying at Lou's house, she thought about it all night. When she came back from rebirth, she couldn't just see this small world in front of her.

It doesn't matter if my mother is stubborn or willful, as long as it doesn't affect any of her decisions, it doesn't matter if she lets it go.

She is not just a real little girl in her heart, she is also at an early age when she needs maternal love. She knows what she should do and what is important.

It's not what she wants to stick to the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the back house.

As for Brother Xing's education, so what if the mother makes a fuss?As long as you don't overrule your own decisions.

With her ability, it is not impossible to raise her mother as a dodder.

After thinking about these things, Bai Ningxiang felt more cheerful than ever.

Looking at Huanxi's mother, she slowly raised the corners of her lips, and she actually had a sense of epiphany as an elder looks at a younger generation.

Although there was a moment of embarrassment in her heart, after facing her heart squarely, she accepted this mentality naturally.

Shen likes this orchid hairpin, this is also the first time she owns a gold hairpin, she really can't put it down.

"There is also a matching gold bracelet in the box next to it. Mother can try it. If you like it, my daughter will customize a set for you every year."

Why should she be upset about something that can be dismissed with a piece of jewelry?
(End of this chapter)

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