Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 480 The Master Is Here

Chapter 480 The Master Is Here
"Xiangxiang is busy, don't worry about me. Speaking of it, it's because of my mother's negligence. Since your father left, your mother didn't give your father a good blessing, and she will take it off in a few days. Mother just happened to pray for your father. , crowned with bliss."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

There are still a few days before the service will be removed. Is it a bit late to pray for blessings now?

Although her mother's excuse was reasonable, Bai Ningxiang felt that she must be hiding something, but she didn't want to say it, so she didn't ask.

"Mother, it's a good thing to pray for father, but brother Xing is still young, and I'm usually busy with work, so I'm afraid I won't be able to take care of him. Mother should take care of him first, so as not to be neglected."

"Don't worry, brother Xing will be three soon, and will be fine with the care of his nanny, Aunt Deng."

When mentioning Brother Xing, Shen paused, closed his eyes and clasped the prayer beads in his hands, and said something softly.

Bai Ningxiang was shocked, could she let go of her most important star brother?What stimulated this?

"When is mother going to pray for blessings?" Abnormalities must have demons.

"My mother is a widow, so it's not easy to show off. It's also a good choice to be accompanied by the ancient Buddha with the green lamp. As for brother Xing, mother is very relieved to have you by my side."

Shen turned her head and looked at her daughter beside her with a gentle smile.

Bai Ningxiang just looked at her mother quietly, at the group of light blue muslins on her body, only a silver hairpin was inserted in her hair bun, and there were no other accessories on her hands except a string of Buddhist beads.

This is very different from the usual dress.

"What's on your mother's mind? You can tell your daughter that I've been too busy these days and neglected my mother. If you have something on your mind, you can't hide it. No matter what, the family is neat and tidy." An Le."

Bai Ningxiang was very helpless and a little powerless, she couldn't figure out what her mother was thinking at all.

Listening to her daughter's tone, Shen was stunned for a moment, then smiled softly,
"Don't worry, mother is fine. I just figured out some things and don't want to be stubborn anymore. Chanting scriptures and blessings can pray for the safety of my family and calm my mind. It might be a good thing to stay here."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Seeing her mother's insistence, Bai Ningxiang didn't force it. Fortunately, it's not a bad thing, maybe it will be fine after a while.

After leaving the Buddhist hall, Bai Ningxiang directly told Aunt Deng to take good care of her, especially remember to open the windows for ventilation.

The matter of the Buddhist hall is over like this, and in the next few days, Bai Ningxiang will start to get rid of the clothes.

The most important thing is to change the furnishings at home, and replace all the dull ornaments.

Especially the murals in the hall in the front yard, she was going to change it to something more festive.

For this reason, she also went to the Siku Study in the town to buy a picture of flowers blooming and wealth, with dark rosewood, one light and one dark, which directly dilutes the previous elegant and gloomy tone.

When passing by the Zhaojia teahouse, I happened to see shopkeeper Dong, so I went in and sat down for a while.

Seeing Bai Ningxiang, shopkeeper Dong was very enthusiastic, "Miss Bai, the young master sent a letter, saying that the master will arrive in a few days, and I will send it to you directly when the time comes."

"Thank you, Shopkeeper Dong, I'll be there anytime."

Speaking of which, Zhao Xian is becoming more and more reliable in his work. He did find a down-and-out scholar in the next county, surnamed Zheng. Because his family was poor, he couldn't continue to support him in his studies, so he gave up the road of scientific research and planned to become a master. Teach and educate people, support the family.

(End of this chapter)

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