Chapter 489
"You brothers and sisters have deep brotherhood, but you don't usually see it." Hearing Bai Zhimin's request, Bai Ningxiang gave him a half-smile look, and she didn't feel anything about the two cousins ​​of the second uncle's family.

Hearing his cousin's ridicule, Bai Zhiming was not angry, "Grandmother is going to renew the song for father, and father is busy, so we brothers always have to help out."

Although the relationship between them is relatively weak, compared with the upcoming stepmother, the relationship between brother and sister is stronger.

Listening to Bai Zhimin's lonely tone, Bai Ningxiang pursed her lower lip,

"It's not that I don't want to, but I'm afraid that Sister Xue has a knot in her heart. It would be bad if there are other disturbances on the day of great joy."

Thinking of the rumors a while ago, Bai Zhimin remained silent. It's really hard to say that Sister Xue has a weird temper these days.

Looking at the back of the eldest sister, Bai Zhimin pursed the corners of his lips, resenting his mother's self-assertion in his heart, if she hadn't provoke the eldest sister, maybe the situation like today wouldn't have happened.

A while ago, he went to visit his mother secretly, but unfortunately, her mother is no longer there. He heard that his uncle asked someone to find her another family. She was married a month ago, and the distance was far away. He inquired for a day, and also No news.

As soon as I came back, I heard my grandmother trying to continue the strings for my father.

But his father nodded in agreement without hesitation. He heard that the other party was a widow, ten years younger than his father.

When Bai Zhimin returned home, looking at the empty yard, he couldn't tell what he felt. When his mother was there before, they didn't need to worry about anything, and everything was prepared in advance.

In just one year, things have changed.

"Second sister, do you have a good idea of ​​who to marry? Whose girl should you choose? Tell your elder brother, and I will help you find someone."

Bai Ningxue was tired from crying, she was laying on the bed and pretending to be dead with her eyes closed, when she heard her elder brother asking
In her situation, who is willing to marry her off?

"In a situation like the Xu family's, who wants to suffer from bad luck?"

"Brother asked my sister just now, she means that if you agree, she is willing to marry you."

As Bai Zhimin said, he pushed the door open and went in, looked at the crying girl with red and swollen eyes, and sighed.

"Nowadays, the form is better than people. The second sister is more open. How about letting the eldest sister and the third sister marry you?"

"······That also depends on the willingness of others."

Bai Ningxue wiped her face, she knew that this is not the time for her to be willful, if there is no little sister to marry her, she will still be the one who will be laughed at.

If her husband's family took advantage of her, they would only say that she was not popular.

"They're all sisters from my own family. They won't refuse. As for the sister-in-law from the natal family who is going to be married off, I will ask the patriarch to let Brother Xiangming's daughter-in-law, sister-in-law Tonghua, take her place. What do you think?"

The patriarch's granddaughter-in-law is fine if she can marry off her younger sister.

"Just listen to the big brother."

Bai Ningxue thought about it, this is indeed the best choice,

"Brother, please ask Hua Tian and the sister Jia from the second clan's uncle's family. It is said that the girl to be married needs six to look good..."

The little sister who usually plays well, heard that her wedding date has been fixed, but no one came to add makeup to her, even if there was no one who came to see her to comfort her.

Instead, several aunts and aunts from the same clan came, some gave a piece of cloth, and some brought a silk flower.

Bai Zhiming nodded, "Brother, I'll help you to ask. If they don't want it, Second Sister doesn't have to be angry. You can still live your own life."

(End of this chapter)

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