Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 493 The red face is too much

Chapter 493 The red face is too much
"Well, you must obey the rules when you are going to marry Sister Xue today. Going out of the house represents the face of the Bai family."

Lao Bai looked at the glamorous granddaughter, narrowed his eyes, and the girl after taking off her clothes became more and more colorful.

Bai Ningxiang blinked her eyes after listening to her grandmother's teaching, "Grandma's lesson is that the face of the Bai family is of course the most important thing, and the granddaughter will naturally not abandon it easily."

Listening to her granddaughter's tone, the old lady Bai's eyes flashed sharply, but fortunately she didn't say much.

Bai Ningxiang didn't bother to deal with it, so she turned around and came out.

Originally, her grandmother's attitude towards her had softened, and she was still trying to please her, but since she left her little aunt's family behind, everything has returned to the original point. To be exact, it seems to be more rigid than before.

Bai Ningxiang doesn't care about this, she likes her little aunt's strength, and also likes her little uncle's hard work in obscurity, even Qiao'er and Le Sheng have much more optimistic personalities than when they first met.

The two children were even more dependent on her. When those two pairs of eyes looked at her, Bai Ningxiang always thought that she saw stars.

She would be stupid to let such a cute person go.

At this time, Bai Ningxue had finished putting on her makeup and changed into a bright red wedding dress. She was sitting cross-legged on the big bed, waiting for the groom to come and pick her up.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her, maybe as a newlywed, she was also nervous.

A face is pink and tender, with willow leaf eyebrows, dewy eyes, and bright red lip makeup. They look good alone, but together, the makeup looks rich, especially the blush on the cheeks, which is a bit too red up.

"Hey, Sister Xiang is here. Look, isn't the bride looking good?" Aunt Hua packed the makeup box, looked at Bai Ningxiang with a smile, and waited for her to comment.

Seeing Bai Ningxue staring at her delicately, the corners of Bai Ningxiang's mouth trembled undetectably,

"It's very festive, Aunt Hua, do all brides have to wear this kind of makeup?"

"Heavy makeup on the newlyweds is a picture of celebration." Aunt Hua said, wiping her hands with a handkerchief, with pride in her eyes.

Bai Ningxiang smiled and nodded, seeing Aunt Hua's proud expression, she couldn't bear to poke her heart.

There is nothing wrong with heavy makeup, what is wrong is the craftsmanship of the makeup artist.

When she got married in her previous life, her mother put on the makeup herself. Because she was hot and filial, she only applied a light layer of powder and swept the eyebrows lightly. This was the first time she had seen such a warm makeup.

"Sister in the hall, third sister, sister Tian, ​​sister Jia, thank you for marrying me. These are a few veils I embroidered by myself. You can choose the one you like. When you marry and become a woman in the future, I'm afraid it will be difficult if you want to meet again." Not so free anymore."

When Bai Ningxue said this, her eyes turned red, she blinked hard, and smiled, "May you all find your own husband."

"Oh, today's big day, you can't drop golden beans."

Hua Tian walked over, patted the bride's shoulder, looked at the several squares of handkerchiefs on the tray next to her, picked one up and put it in the palm of her hand,
"I like this one with plum blossoms, especially this one with stems and branches. It's really well embroidered."

The newlyweds usually make gifts for their little sisters by themselves. The first is to thank them, the second is to hope that the friendship will last forever, and the third is to show off their female popularity to relatives and friends, so that their in-laws can know , they married a virtuous woman.

Sister Jia picked orchids, Bai Ruyan picked chrysanthemums, and the rest was winter jasmine.

(End of this chapter)

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