Chapter 503
Today's breakfast, because of Xiao Douding's arrival, took two quarters of an hour longer than before.Bai Ningxiang looked at the little guy who was full of food and drink, and pulled the nanny outside in high spirits, and then gave a soft instruction,
"Be careful, don't fall. From now on, I will eat with Brother Xing in the morning, noon and evening." Brother Xing is still young, so it is not difficult to form a habit.

Brother and sister, they will learn to depend on each other in the future.

"Yes, girl."

Liu Chunmei nodded, not daring to intervene in the matter between the master and the master, and hurried to the yard with Brother Xing in her arms.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the breakfast on the table, her face darkened.

"Mother is angry with me."

Even Brother Xing can use it to make a cocoon, stay in a yard, even if the Buddhist hall is quiet, how can you not hear Brother Xing crying?
Even her own son was willing to do so, but she underestimated her.

In the past, she had only seen women from high families who would use their own children to play tricks in order to consolidate their status or calculate something, but she didn't expect her mother to do the same one day?
There are only these few people in this family, and she can't understand her mother's actions.

Provoking her with Brother Xing?Or remind her?

Don't say that she is a demon alone, or a group of people dancing wildly, she can manage it well, nothing more than using some thunderous means.

"Ding Yang, how is the situation in Lu's family?" Bai Ningxiang lay on the soft couch, her expression not very good.

"Lu Feng'er is an old daughter of the old Lu family. She was spoiled and spoiled since she was a child, selfish and arrogant, and she has a bit of beauty. She always wanted to climb high, and then she had a relationship with the landlord Wang in the village. But the landlord Wang's family has a tigress. , even if the matter breaks out, Lu Feng'er is not allowed to enter the door."

"The Lu family started to make troubles for a while, making up the right and wrong of the Wang family everywhere. In the end, the landlord's wife sent someone to beat him up a few times, and publicized Lu Feng'er's scandal."

"It cost a lot of money just to see a doctor and take medicine. After suffering a loss and not being able to get any good money, I gave up my thoughts and found a home for her in a village far away. As a result, not long after Lu Feng'er married, the man died. Well, my husband's family thought that Lu Fenger was a bastard, Kefu, so they divorced her."

"Lu Feng'er returned to her natal family again. During this period, she tried to contact the landlord Wang several times, but was stopped by the landlord's wife. She also threatened the Lu family that if she did not marry Lu Feng'er, she would drive the Lu family out of the village."

Although the family surnamed Lu is the common surname of Lujia Village, more than half of the land in Lujia Village belongs to the Wang family. Many families in the village have rented the land of the Wang family. Lu Feng'er is looking for her husband's house.

It just so happens that Mrs. Bai intends to remarry with her son, and the matchmakers in eight villages are all connected, and if they come and go, they will make a match.

Bai Er Er had met Lu Feng'er in secret, and immediately fell in love with the other party's appearance, so even if it was a sequel, he wanted to follow the three media and six employments, and didn't want to wrong the other party.

Listening to Ding Yang's narration, Bai Ningxiang shook her head. The second uncle is quite old, and he is really dizzy.

Heh~, man.

"Go, tell the eldest brother about the news of your investigation, and then we will take care of it."


Bai Ningxiang pondered for a while, "Clean up, let's go to town and ask Master Liu to build a yard."

Yun Ni stared blankly at the girl, and sighed in her heart, Madam really angered the girl this time.

Living in the backyard, I am afraid that it will be difficult to get ahead in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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