Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 514 I want to split up

Chapter 514 I want to split up
Liu Chunmei has been working as a nanny for Brother Xing for more than two years. During this period, she wanted to go back, but the family was reluctant to part with her salary. For the sake of her daughter's better life, she never left, and her daughter was taken care of by her mother-in-law in good health.

Bai Ningxiang had already told her that whenever she wanted to leave, she could just say so. As a wife and mother, and with a family like hers, it would be untenable to have only one daughter.

Although Liu Chunmei was very grateful, she never left, and she was very kind to Brother Xing, sometimes Bai Ningxiang thought that she passed on all her love for her daughter to Brother Xing.

"Sister, I'm going."

Brother Xing tugged on his sister's sleeve, and opened his eyes eagerly. Children are such a magical species. Xiao Douding, who was still slurred a few days ago, changes every day. As long as the sentences are not too long, he can speak clearly.

"Brother Xing, be good. My sister is going to the county to celebrate her birthday with Aunt Ping. There will be too many people there. Brother Xing is still young, so it is not suitable to go there. When Brother Xing grows up, sister will take you with me, okay?" ?”

Bai Ningxiang looked at the fat little guy, and couldn't help pinching his cheeks, it was so fleshy and soft.

It's a pity that the child's thin skin and tender flesh couldn't hold back the grinding, and it turned red after a few strokes. Seeing Xiao Douding staring at her with teary eyes, Bai Ningxiang was embarrassed.

"Cough~, does it hurt? My sister didn't do it on purpose."

Brother Xing shook his head, feeling aggrieved, "Sister~."


How could there be such a soft little bean diced, Bai Ningxiang hugged the person in her arms, and took a bite on the red spot.

"Okay, a kiss won't hurt anymore."

The little guy blinked his eyes and immediately grinned, and then Liu Ma took his hand and went to the front yard.

Ding Yang walked in from the outside and bowed slightly, "Miss, the second room is engaged to the Lu family."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Bai Zhimin's ability to handle affairs is not good, can't this matter be stopped?
Ding Yang pursed his lower lip expressionlessly,

"The eldest son told the old lady about the situation of Lu's family. After the old lady hesitated, she asked the second master to inquire... After the second master came back, he was very determined, and there was a posture that he would not marry unless he was Qing. .”

"Heh~, grandma is really a party person, second uncle is not here to inquire about the situation of the woman, it should be a private meeting."

She wants to live a life of flying around, can she stop it?

Some people don't know good or bad at all. Even if you help him out of good intentions, they may not appreciate it.

"I don't care about him, if I want to have a prairie above my head, others can help him shovel the grass."

"The eldest son is in the front yard, he wants to see you." Ding Yang twitched the corners of his lips slightly, the girl has been with the boy for a long time, and she is almost learning to be rude.

"I see, since he can't stop it and the marriage is settled, what's the use of him coming to me?" Bai Ningxiang leaned against the pillars of the four-cornered gazebo, and calmly waved her hands.

Ding Yang nodded, but just as she turned her head, she saw Bai Zhimin could not wait to walk in, just in time to hear Bai Ningxiang's order to evict the guest.

"Big sister, I didn't come to you for the sake of father's continuation."

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows and pointed to the stone pier opposite, "Sit down."

"Big sister, my father insists on marrying a daughter from the Lu family. As a son, I can't stop it. I'm useless. But I want to separate the family, so can I ask my sister for help?"

Looking into Bai Zhimin's eyes, Bai Ningxiang sat up straight in surprise, "Do you want to separate?"

(End of this chapter)

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