Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 516 Weak Liu Fufeng

Chapter 516 Weak Liu Fufeng
"It's a little effort, the godmother is cooking in the village, I'll tell her later to let her pay attention to you." Bai Ningxiang stroked the jade ring on her ring finger, and sighed silently in her heart.

I'm really in a panic, what kind of trouble are you doing?
"...Actually, you don't need to look for too good-looking ones, as long as you live a peaceful life and have a good child." Seeing Bai Zhimin running out happily, Bai Ningxiang only felt his teeth hurt.

Ding Yang frowned, "Girl, is it worth it?"

The people in the second room used to treat the girl like that, but the girl can still help.

"Is it worth it? If you can help them within your ability, if they offend me, I can also step on them cruelly. One yard is worth one yard. The grievances are not in arrears, and they don't owe me anything?"

Whether it's the third uncle or the Meng family, she has already fought back, and each has paid the price.

If she fights back, it's over, she has no idea of ​​sitting in a row.

Ding Yang: "..."

"What the girl said is right, if you have grievances, you will have revenge, if you have grudges, you will have revenge, if you don't wait when it's overdue, if you don't default, and if you don't hold grudges, then you can live a carefree life."

Yun Ni didn't know when she came over. Hearing the conversation between the two, she couldn't help clapping her hands.

"Girl, it's packed and ready to go."

"Okay, let's go."

Bai Ningxiang went back to her room and changed into light clothes, went to the village to say hello to her godmother, and told her about Bai Zhimin's situation.

"Godmother can figure it out. If there is a suitable one, just draw a line. If there is no one, let it go."

"Xiangxiang, don't worry, it's hard to find a beautiful girl, but you don't have to worry about living a good life. You wait for the news of the godmother." Li patted her chest, and immediately took it all in.

"Let the godmother worry about it. What my cousin means is that if you get married, you can live in a separate family. The godmother also knows that the daughter of the Lu family that the second uncle appointed is not very old. They will live separately and save trouble in the future. .”

Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips, maybe women at this age like to build bridges with red threads.

Listening to the goddaughter's tone, Li's eyes flickered, and then she understood the meaning, "Don't worry, the godmother knows it well."

When Bai Ningxiang and his party arrived in the county, it happened to be Shen Shi, and compared to the tranquility of the countryside, the county town seemed extraordinarily lively.

When Lou Qingming heard the news of Bai Ningxiang's arrival, she immediately came out to greet her, "I thought you would come back that day."

This girl is so busy that her feet never touch the ground. Every time she goes to live for a while, she never sees her idle.

"Aunt Ping teased me." Bai Ningxiang had no choice but to follow Lou Qingping into the yard, and saw a simple and elegant girl sitting on the porch.

"Hey, this is my niece, Lou Chenlu. The elder brother passed away. This girl was hit hard. Her mother sent me here to relax."

Liu Qingping said, waving at Lou Chenlu, "Sister Lu, this is the Sister Xiang I told you about, one year older than you."

"I've met Sister Xiang." Lou Chenlu came back to her senses, and gave Bai Ningxiang a little blessing.

"Sister Luer is being polite."

Bai Ningxiang quickly helped her up, and said politely.

The girl in front of her had a small oval face with a somewhat pale and sickly face.

A plain white dress was put on her body, her waist was tightly grasped, a simple bun was tied on her head, fixed with a silver hairpin, and a green bracelet was on her wrist. From the inside out, the whole person was There is a delicate and morbid beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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