Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 518 Going to the Night Market

Chapter 518 Going to the Night Market

Bai Ningxiang lived in the usual guest room, and after washing, she changed into the birthday gift Yun Ni gave her, a skeined gauze floral dress, the whole skirt was embroidered with a hundred plum blossoms, white gauze skirt, red plum blossoms , walking, like a flower fairy, indescribably agile.

After resting for a while, they went to the main hall. The moment they saw Bai Ningxiang, their eyes flashed with amazement.

"Xiangxiang is really as beautiful as spring plum blossoms in bloom, her spirit is like autumn Hui covered with frost, her eyes are like the moon shooting cold rivers, and she has a noble and elegant posture." Lou Qingping looked at Bai Ningxiang and praised without hesitation.

Even Lou Chenlu who was sitting next to her was amazed, "Sister Xiang is so beautiful."

Even if she was thrown into the circle of noble girls, she would not give in at all.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Bai Ningxiang smiled slyly, "It is said that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles. It is true. This is the craft of the girls. You can't live up to it, otherwise you might cry."

Bai Ningxiang said politely, sat directly opposite the two of them, and began to eat.

The meals on the table were carefully made, and the color and aroma were good. Lou Qingping obviously cared about his niece's filial piety, and did not serve greasy meat dishes. There was also a cup of medicinal food in front of her eyes.

Without talking about food, the three of them ate dinner and moved to the living room to talk for a while, Lou Qingping greeted directly,
"Xiang Xiangzhou is exhausted today, go back to rest first, let's go around the street together tomorrow."

"Don't worry, Aunt Ping. I won't be too tired for this journey. Just when the lights are on, I want to take the girl out to visit the night market."

Bai Ningxiang stood up, there is no curfew here, and the streets at night are sometimes more lively than during the day.

Lou Qingping looked at the two girls beside Bai Ningxiang, and knew that these two girls were not easy, and they didn't stop them, "Be careful in everything, and send someone back to report if something happens."

"Don't worry, Aunt Ping." Bai Ningxiang stood up, turned her head to look at Lou Chenlu's eyes, and smiled, "Sister Luer is weak, go to bed early."

"Hey~ Sister Xiang, come back soon."

Seeing the three masters and servants walking out with great interest, Lou Chenlu's eyes were full of envy, but it was a pity that her health was not up to par, and she was panting for a long time after walking three steps.

"Sister Lu, don't be envious, you can go out shopping after you recover your health." Lou Qingping rubbed the back of her head, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

"Auntie, I now believe what you said. Sister Xiang is very powerful." Sister Xiang is the number one girl who dares to go out for a stroll at night.

"Sister Xiang is indeed a good person. She holds up a family with one hand, and lives a splendid life. My aunt admires her tenacity."

The aunt and nephew didn't go out, so they could only stroll in the yard, chatting from time to time.

Bai Ningxiang took Yun Ni and the two to the street, looking at the red lanterns hanging on both sides of the street, which shrouded the street in a hazy halo all night.

When the lights came on, there was a lot of people's voices, especially the restaurants and restaurants, the figures were burning, and the noise was endless, and the surrounding shops seemed to be a little busier than during the day.

Bai Ningxiang didn't buy anything, just walked along the street to feel the smoke and fire, and integrated herself into the world.

"Girl, further east is the moat." Yun Ni looked at the brightly lit place in the distance, and hurriedly stopped.

Bai Ningxiang stopped in her tracks, and only then did she realize that it was really not suitable for her to go any further. On the moat, there were several painted boats floating, which were also recognized as fireworks venues in the county.

 The male pig feet are coming out~
(End of this chapter)

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