Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 531 I Have Selfishness Too

Chapter 531 I Have Selfishness Too

I don't know if it hurt his wound, although Yi brother didn't wake up, but his brows were tightly frowned.

"Yun Ni, cut off the underwear I brought, so it's easier to bandage the wound."


Seeing the girl's calm look, Yun Ni exhaled silently, her girl is really bold, she can still order things calmly under such circumstances, such a girl is indeed a good match for the son.

Bai Ningxiang took a deep breath, changed to clean hot water, and started washing again.

Looking at the eversioned knife edge, Bai Ningxiang knew without thinking how fierce the battle was at that time.

The flesh cut open by the knife edge was a dull black and blue from the inside out, and even the blood that flowed out was a combination of red and black.

After changing three basins of water in a row, she wiped off the dirty blood from Yixiong's body. After a while of tossing, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but turn pale.

Before the doctor arrived, she didn't dare to take the hemostatic medicine lightly. If there was still poisonous blood in her body, it would harm him instead.

Last night, she was still alive and well, but she didn't expect to put herself in such a mess in just one day.

With red eyes, Bai Ningxiang took a piece of her own clothes to put on him, looking at his pale face due to excessive blood loss, she couldn't help at all except her heartache.

Bai Ningxiang held his hand and murmured softly, "Brother Yi, how could you hurt yourself? You said you belonged to a leopard, and leopards are good night hunters. If you hurt yourself, who will defend the territory?" ?”

"You said that these things have to be done by someone, but seeing you injured and unconscious, I am very scared, and I also have selfishness. I want you to stay away from these dangers. The world is so big, and you don't need to fight alone."

As Bai Ningxiang said, in the blink of an eye, tears fell on the back of Han Jing's hands as if the thread had been broken.

After being reborn, only her righteous brother gave her her wholehearted trust and comfort. If something happened to him, Bai Ningxiang couldn't imagine what would happen to her in the future?

Tears dripped down on the back of Han Jing's hand. I don't know if he felt it. He moved his fingers, and subconsciously held those soft little hands, and his brows frowned even tighter.

"The master said that all our efforts are to protect the peace of the people at the border. If we don't save them, it's against our duty as a soldier."

While talking, Dazhua led a person in.

Bai Ningxiang wiped away her tears, looked at the young master who suddenly appeared, and was taken aback, "Are you a doctor?"

She has seen this man.

"My servant, Wei Zixian, met Miss Bai."

Wei Zixian looked at the girl in front of him, and then at the unconscious man on the bed. Just as the corner of his mouth was raised, he forcibly pressed him down. He was injured and unconscious. If he gloated at this time, it would be a bit unreasonable.

"Cough... Miss Bai, please don't worry, the general has already taken the antidote pill, and it won't be fatal for the time being."

Hearing Wei Zixian's tone, Bai Ningxiang's face turned pale, she grasped the point,

"What do you mean temporarily not dying?"

"Eh? I just can't die right now," Wei Zixian smiled coyly, put down the box in his hand, and pressed his fingers on Han Jing's wrist to feel his pulse.

Then he rolled his eyelids again, checked the wound again, and after a busy meal, he opened the box beside him, revealing the small boxes one by one.

Wei Zixian took out a sheepskin bag from one of the interlayers, and gently spread it out, revealing rows of gold needles, with uneven thickness and length.

(End of this chapter)

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