Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 537 Who Said She Can't Get Married

Chapter 537 Who Said She Can't Get Married
No matter how much you fight, she is also surnamed Qin, and she is the first daughter of the Zhou family.

"You are my cousin, and your words and deeds represent the Zhou family. My mother has taught you for several years. I don't expect you to act like a girl from a big family, but you must not discredit the Zhou family, let alone hurt your mother's heart of teaching."

Hearing her cousin's tone, Qin Yan blushed, feeling annoyed in her heart. It turned out that in her cousin's heart, she had always been an outsider.

In the past, her aunt was very kind to her, but suddenly it became less so. At that time, she thought it was because her words and deeds caused her aunt's disgust.

Now it seems that the problem must appear on the cousin.

"Cousin, don't worry, Yan'er has always kept her aunt's teaching in mind. Juanhong was an accident. I was more tolerant because she was given to me by my aunt at the time. Who knew that she would grow up and have a big bullying mind." .”

As Qin Yan spoke, her expression was unprecedentedly sad.

Zhou Meng took a look at her. In her heart, she had always looked down on this cousin who had defected. No matter right or wrong, she always showed such a pitiful look.

But she is still a poor actor, who can be seen through at a glance, and she is the only one immersed in it.

My mother was also a little disappointed because she couldn't get rid of her petty air, and didn't care as much for her as before.

As for herself, she never took her seriously from the beginning to the end.Seeing her being courteous and obedient to her mother every day, she felt that it was an eyesore, so she took the initiative to teach her a lesson, but the rest did not embarrass her much.

After all, she is mother's own niece, so she can't make any trouble anyway, so she has to save some face for mother.

Besides, my mother has promised that if she meets a suitable family, she will be married off, which can be regarded as an explanation to my uncle.

Thinking of this, Zhou Meng's tone became much better, "Don't think too much, mother is looking for a family for you now, as my father, it is a bit difficult to seek wealth and wealth, but finding a well-off family with no worries about food and clothing It's really no trouble."

"So, don't worry, mother will naturally not treat you badly."

Listening to her cousin's consolation, Qin Yan suddenly raised her head. Aunt wants to marry her off?

She doesn't want a wealthy family.

Even if she wants to marry, she still has to choose a family of officials. She has been a cousin girl in the Zhou Mansion for several years, and she has already seen through the faces of the world.

Only by finding a way to marry into an official's family can she show her favor with her head high. As for ordinary merchants, she has never thought about it.

Thinking of this, Qin Yan suppressed the anger in his heart and acted shyly.

"Cousin, I...I don't want to marry yet..." If my cousin was not the daughter of an official, how could I have such a good marriage?
She doesn't feel pain in her back when she stands and talks, so why would she make her life inferior with just one sentence?
"Young lady, sooner or later you will get married, and no one can escape this fate."

Zhou Meng watched her start to perform bitter cauliflower in front of him again, and the comfort in her heart suddenly faded.

"It's said that the matchmaker's order is the order of the parents. Your surname is Qin. If you don't want my mother to make the decision, I will send you home later. It is also reasonable to ask my uncle and aunt to help you find someone."

Qin Yan: "..."

Come back home?

How can it be?The family's more than ten acres of paddy fields were saved by relying on the care of my aunt.

Now, the whole family lives on that little income, and let her parents make decisions for her, so she can only marry a mud leg in the country. She doesn't want to be a bumpkin, and she doesn't want to go home.

(End of this chapter)

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