Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 542 The strings in my heart are broken

Chapter 542 The strings in my heart are broken
Mrs. Lou, as the daughter of a gynecologist, is also a person respected by everyone. She is always serious when she visits the doctor, but now she is so polite and joking with the girls.

As a human being, who eats whole grains, who can avoid minor illnesses and disasters, how lucky to have a doctor friend by his side, not to mention that this doctor is still a daughter of gold, with superb medical skills.

As soon as the chatterbox was opened, the girls talked more enthusiastically.

After a while, Lou Qingping looked at his niece's slightly tired expression, "Sister Lu, you are weak, go back and rest first, it's good that Xiangxiang and I will entertain you here."

"Okay, sisters, it's my own body that doesn't live up to expectations, so I can only resign first. When I get back to my health, I will definitely be able to accompany you all day without getting tired."

Lou Chenlu stood up, blessed her body, said something apologetic, and took the girl back.

The main character left the stage, and the rest of the people also bid their farewell in due course.

Lou Qingping looked at everyone's behavior and smiled, "Girls, you are welcome, Xiangxiang is in my heart, just like Sister Lu."

Everyone listened to Mrs. Lou's tone, and there was still something unclear. This was taking care of Miss Bai as a family member.

"I've heard that Mrs. Lou and Miss Bai are friends for a long time, and I see you today, and it's true. I'm really envious." Li Xingchun smiled, "But the time to go out today is non-stop, and it's the same when we meet again. "

"Miss Li is right. We hit it off with Miss Bai and Miss Lou, and we will definitely see each other often in the future." Pei Yiyi also stood up, "Madam, let's take our leave first."

Bai Ningxiang glanced gratefully at Mrs. Lou, she knew Aunt Ping's love for her, "Aunt Ping loves you so much, I am so grateful, I will see you off."

Everyone walked in the green yard together, laughing and talking softly, looking very harmonious.

Qin Yan went to follow her cousin. The tight string in her heart was completely broken during her trip to Loufu today.

Listening to everyone's discussion, she just felt ironic, everyone can chat and laugh happily, but she is the only one sitting in the corner, no one pays attention.

It seems that no one has ever cared about her emotions.

Even the cousin around her doesn't like her, so what can others do for her?
All of a sudden, Qin Yan felt that she was very pitiful. After working so hard for so long, being careful to please her, and trying not to make mistakes, she was still not worthy of that level of blood relationship.

Aunt treats her well on the surface, but she still treats her differently behind the scenes. What she thinks is good is always a joke in the eyes of others.

Glancing at Zhou Meng beside her, Qin Yan collected her expression. She seemed to remember that next month would be the time for her cousin and Young Master Ma to exchange Geng Tie.

Zhou Meng's success as the county magistrate was not due to his uncle's status as the county magistrate. I heard that the matchmaker was a classmate of his uncle.

She can get this good marriage, and it is also the red line that her uncle secretly entrusted with the relationship.

Geng posts have been exchanged, and Mr. Ma's family is her prospective brother-in-law.

Last time, when Mr. Ma came, she only had time to see his profile. Even so, she could conclude that Mr. Ma must be a good-looking talent.

In a daze, a figure suddenly flashed out of the corner of his eye, and in an instant, he entered the small courtyard next door.

"The weeping willow at the door is growing really well. It is denser and greener than the weeping willow by the lake. Sitting under the tree to enjoy the shade in summer must be comfortable and cool."

(End of this chapter)

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