Chapter 544 Revenge
Hearing Qin Yan's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, "Miss Qin, I'm a guest at Aunt Ping's house, and Aunt Ping is the owner of this yard. If you want to see pomegranate flowers, shouldn't you ask Aunt Ping's permission? "

Bai Ningxiang's meaning is very straightforward, she is a guest, if you want to go in, just ask the host, what does it mean to ask a guest beyond the host?
Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Qin Yan choked, thinking about it, it was true.

"Hehe, Miss Bai reminded me right, I might like pomegranate flowers too much, that's why I'm a little more urgent, sorry, Madam Lou."

As he said that, in order to express his apology, he even blessed Mrs. Lou.

"It's okay, Miss Qin has a very good liking. The pomegranate flower represents good luck, and it means many children and blessings."

Looking at Qin Yan, Mrs. Lou always felt that this girl had other intentions, not just for the trivial matter of looking at flowers,

"Miss Qin, go and see if you want. It's just a pomegranate tree, it's not a big deal."

Qin Yan was overjoyed, and turned to look at Bai Ningxiang, "Miss Bai, how many people are there in the yard? If it's inconvenient, we won't bother you."

Cut, the master agrees, and it's really incompetent to be hypocritical again.

"Except for the two accompanying girls, there is no one else."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Qin Yan steadfastly, not missing the flash of excitement in her eyes.

At this time, she had already determined that this woman was a vengeful character. If the two had a festive relationship, apart from the dispute at the gate of the building last time, it was a small friction in the jewelry store.

But in the final analysis, neither of the two incidents was provoked by himself. If this is worthy of resentment, then this person is really extremely narrow-minded.

"Are you serious?" Two girls?What she just saw was a man.

A girl's house, still living here, is so indiscreet. If someone finds out that there are men hiding in her yard, and they come in and out at will... Will these so-called noble girls befriend her?

At that time, I'm afraid I'm afraid I can't avoid it, right?
"Miss Qin, what are you suspecting? I am a guest, and I take two girls to wait on me. Is there any problem? You are so strange, why do you always want to pry into other people's privacy? Fortunately, I have nothing secret, otherwise , I’m really speechless.”

Qin Yan choked, seeing everyone's ambiguous expressions, blushed, and said aggrievedly.

"Miss Bai misunderstood, if you don't want to, forget it, I just look at the flowers."

"Miss Qin is really interesting. You asked me, and I answered. Why are you wronged?"

She doesn't have to be polite to a woman who is hostile to herself.

Qin Yan: "..."

Sure enough, there is something tricky, does she really dare to meet men privately when she is a guest?
This is too bold, as expected, he is a bumpkin from the countryside and has never seen the world.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, everyone looked at Qin Yan. Although this girl looked soft, she always gave off a gloomy aura, which made her uncomfortable.

Qin Yan's face turned red, and when she received everyone's teasing looks, she was annoyed, and suddenly remembered the flashing figure just now in her mind.

"······ I just saw a man enter that yard, and even touched the hanging pomegranate flowers."

Everyone: "..."

Didn't you say you want to see pomegranate flowers?
Mrs. Lou's face darkened, no wonder she felt that the girl was behaving strangely, so she was waiting here.

(End of this chapter)

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