Chapter 553

When Yun Ni got into the carriage with two gift boxes in her arms, the proprietress looked down at the 100 taels silver note in her hand, and slapped her thigh suddenly.
"Hey, these two little hooves, the emotional old lady sold a ready-made dress and put a piece of cloth on it!"

After Bai Ningxiang and Yun Ni got into the carriage, they looked at each other and giggled.

"I didn't expect you to counter the price very well."

"Of course, in terms of eloquence, the servant girl can't lose to anyone."

Yun Ni raised her head and said something very proudly, then looked at the two gift boxes, "Miss, you want to use this ready-made dress as a gift?"

"It's fine to send that piece of pink and purple gauze. We don't have any friendship with the magistrate's wife, so it's not easy to give something too good, otherwise people will think we are asking for something."

Bai Ningxiang glanced at the carriage behind her, and thought of the Li county magistrate she had met before, so she had to think more, if it wasn't because of her brother-in-law, how could the dignified county magistrate's wife notice her as a little peasant girl?

The posture is too low, and you even order Wang Momo to invite you?
After being reborn, she is no longer the ignorant girl in her previous life.

Everything has a cause and an effect, so she naturally won't cause trouble with her brother-in-law.

Yun Ni nodded. Regarding the attitude of County Magistrate Li's family, she would think of the young master without hesitation.With the girl's current situation, Mrs. Li doesn't have to be like this.

If it's just because of my daughter's liking, just post an invitation when hosting a banquet.

The two looked at each other, and the carriage had already stopped in front of the gate of Li Mansion.

Wang Momo got out of the car and said with a smile on her face, "Miss Bai, we're here."

Ding Yang opened the car door, helped Bai Ningxiang get out of the car, followed by Yun Ni who was holding a gift.

"Thank you, Mother Wang, for leading the way."

Bai Ningxiang clasped her hands, resting them lightly on her abdomen, and gracefully walked into the gate of Li's Mansion, walked through a corridor, and walked into the moon gate behind.

For the magistrate's mansion, Daqing seems to have regulations. The main courtyard is a courtyard with two entrances, and there are two side courtyards next to it.

Bai Ningxiang followed Nanny Wang without looking sideways. The places she passed were elegantly arranged. Thinking of Li Xingchun's temperament, Mrs. Li must also be a woman who has read a lot of poetry and books.

Just two steps into the courtyard, Li Xingchun brought the maid to greet her, "Sister Bai, we meet again."

"Madam invites me, so naturally I dare not neglect, and I have to wait for you, Sister Li."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her held hand, flipped it lightly, and walked in hand in hand.

Entering the main room, Bai Ningxiang let go of Li Xingchun, put her hands on her right waist, bent her knees and performed a Wanfu salute,
"I met Mrs. Li, and I greet you."

"Quickly, please sit down." Mrs. Li gave her a false lift, and Li Xingchun immediately pulled Bai Ningxiang to sit beside her.

"Sister Bai sit next to me."

"Okay," Bai Ningxiang didn't refuse, she sat next to the Li family girl on the official hat chair under the right hand, looked at Mrs. Li, and smiled apologetically.

"I came in a hurry, and I didn't prepare any gifts. I prepared them temporarily on the way. Please forgive me for my negligence."

Regarding this point, Bai Ningxiang did not hide anything, and Wang Momo followed her all the way, so she naturally knew her whereabouts.

After Yun Ni delivered the gift box, Mrs. Li gently waved her hands.

"Miss Bai, you are being polite. You can't be negligent. If you really want to talk about it, it is also Sister Chun's fault. She kept clamoring to invite you to be a guest. I was harassed by her, so I had the cheek to ask the nanny to invite you." gone."

Mrs. Li said, and glared at her daughter coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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