Chapter 565

Bai Huixia walked up to her niece, reached out and rubbed her head,
"Sister Xiang doesn't need to think too much, every time your uncle mentions you, he gives you a thumbs up."

"But my mother still doesn't like me."

Listening to her niece's sad tone, Bai Huixia's heart ached,

"It's not that she doesn't like you. It should be that she has some unresolved knots. My sister-in-law has always given me the impression of being gentle and gentle. She rarely loses her temper like this."

"Forget it, don't talk about it, mother can do whatever she likes."

Bai Ningxiang sat up, the impression of her mother in her previous life was already very vague, and what her current mother gave her was all selfishness and indifference.

When there was no Brother Xing, she was weak-tempered and simple in thinking. After giving birth to Brother Xing, although she was still gentle, she had a lot more confidence.

I feel that having a son is complete, I have no regrets, and my temper is even more twisted.

On the other hand, looking at her own personality, the memories before rebirth plus the current experience, she always feels that she has experienced vicissitudes.

Her heart has been smoothed out, and when faced with all kinds of calculations by the Bai family, she can be ruthless without hesitation.

Affected by various factors, she did not have enough patience with her family, which caused her and her mother to fall apart.

All in all, before dinner, Bai Ningxiang still went to the Buddhist hall, looking at her mother with her back turned, she seemed to have lost weight again.

"Mother, I'm back."

"Well, everything is going well?"

"Everything is fine. Aunt Ping has an extra niece in her family. Unfortunately, she is too weak. Aunt Ping said that she will come and stay for a while after she gets well."

"it is good."

From the beginning to the end, Shen didn't look back, she was still sitting cross-legged on the futon, muttering something silently.

After a few gossips, Bai Ningxiang went straight to the topic,
"Mother, brother-in-law is here. You haven't seen him for a while. Let's welcome him in the front yard at night. How about coming with mother?"

Hearing Han Jing's name, Shen moved a bit, and in a split second, she returned to calm

"Brother Ting is here. It just so happens that you haven't seen each other for more than half a year. If you talk together, your mother won't participate."

Hearing her mother's tone, Bai Ningxiang was taken aback, "...Yixiong is a guest at home and someone my mother knows well. After all, he wants to eat. Let's sit together and not waste too much time."

"Let your aunt be the representative, mother is a bit tired." Shen Shi flicked the prayer beads in her hand, and after a long time, she still softly declined.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The gap between her and her mother grew deeper and deeper.

Even though she knew what her brother-in-law meant to her, her mother could ignore it.

"Mother has a good rest, my daughter interrupted."

Shen: "..."

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps disappeared that Aunt Deng sighed and shook her head, "Ma'am, why are you bothering?"

"How is the construction of the backyard going?" Chen paused and asked indifferently.

Aunt Deng choked, and it took a long time to recover, "Hey, there should be a while, Master Li has brought his apprentices to step up these days."

"Understood, let's go down, just bring dinner to the next door." After saying that, Shen shi lowered her head and fiddled with the prayer beads in her hand, reciting scriptures silently.

Aunt Deng shook her head, picked up the curtain and went out. She couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't persuade her, so she just let it be.

At this time, the front yard was already brightly lit, and Bai Ningxiang was sitting in the main hall, looking at two tables, one large and one small, which were already filled with all kinds of food.

 Meow~, Lanshou~
(End of this chapter)

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