Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 569 A Wandering Heart

Chapter 569 A Wandering Heart

"A little bit, I can't tell."

Bai Ningxiang looked at her brother-in-law and smiled lightly. In her previous life, she lived alone all her life, and she was used to loneliness.Never once, let her recognize the facts earlier, it will be easier to go.

"I'm still here."

Han Jing looked at the little girl's dark and bright eyes with a faint smile on her face, but it made him feel very distressed.

Without thinking, Han Jing held her hand.

The slightly cold little hand was wrapped in his big one, trembling slightly, and it took a while to warm up.

"Girl, sometimes you don't need to be strong, when you are tired, look back, I am right behind you."

Han Jing sighed, this girl looked soft and weak, but her personality was very stubborn.

Hearing the low tone of her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang suddenly raised her head, and unexpectedly bumped into those twinkling eyes, her injured heart throbbed uncontrollably.

Once upon a time, she seemed to have heard the saying, "Your righteous sister, just rest assured, and your righteous brother will protect you for the rest of your life."

The two words collided in her heart, Bai Ningxiang's heart was beating like a drum, and many vague memories broke through the barriers without warning and appeared in her mind.

In the tormented days of the previous life, whenever I washed my face with tears, I could always see the solemn figure of my righteous brother, followed by a box of gifts.

It was brother Yi who made her happy, Bai Ningxiang knew it all along, but until now, she suddenly realized that she had been living in Brother Yi's sight and never left.

With this idea in her heart, Bai Ningxiang's head was like a floodgate, and many things that she hadn't paid attention to before also spewed out.

When he was giving birth, since Jiang Wenxue wanted her to die due to dystocia, he had made thorough preparations in advance, and it was impossible to fail at the last moment.

At first, she always thought it was Baicha who rushed out to report the news, but now that she thought about it, with Baicha's powerless body, how could she rush out of the mansion to rescue soldiers?

If someone secretly helps, she can still believe it.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang looked at Brother Yi, her eyes were slightly red. She remembered that Brother Yi once wanted to give her two hidden guards, but she didn't want it because Jiang Wenxue objected.

After that, brother Yi didn't mention it again. Thinking about it now, those two hidden guards should have been hiding somewhere around him.

Otherwise, brother-in-law would not be able to come over in time, and Baicha would not be able to get out without escort.

It turned out that her righteous brother had been holding up an umbrella for her in places she didn't know, but unfortunately he still underestimated Jiang Wenxue's viciousness in the end and dared to kill his wife.

Let the brother-in-law catch him on the spot, and she knows what will happen to the Jiang family without even thinking about it.

At that time, she was stupid and stupid, and she always felt that she was so enthusiastic that she could warm people up, but it was a pity that she took her life and failed to achieve her wish.

Therefore, when she came back from rebirth, there was a trace of hostility in her body. Even she knew that compared to before, not only was her heart more cruel, but her emotions were also weaker.

As long as anyone wants to harm her, she never hesitates when she shoots and utters bad words.

Every time, when she dreamed back at midnight, she would also sigh with emotion, why did she break third uncle's leg and Wang Wenxue's finger without hesitation?
Forced away the Meng family and indirectly killed Xu Maocheng.

Occasionally, although she would feel flustered, she never regretted it.

Now that she sees her brother-in-law, she suddenly realizes that under the appearance that she thinks she is strong, there is also a hesitant heart hidden.

(End of this chapter)

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