Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 576 Studying has become an obsession

Chapter 576 Studying has become an obsession
"Sister Yun Ni, has your concierge changed? She looks so scary."

"Are you talking about Da He? In fact, he is very nice." Just because of the scar on his face, he scares off countless people who visit him.

"It's not Uncle Dahe, Uncle Dahe knows me." Sanya took Yun Ni's hand, "Sister Yun Ni, I want to meet Sister Xiangxiang, can you take me there?"

Yun Ni blinked, couldn't help laughing, reached out and pinched her cheek, "What do you want with our girl?"

If she guessed right, it should have something to do with ethnology.

"I have something to ask Sister Xiangxiang, can you take me there?" Sanya bit the corner of her lips and struggled, wanting to see Bai Ningxiang.

"Okay then, come with me." Yun Ni shook her head, this girl really didn't give up until the Yellow River.

However, when she led the people past the front yard, she clearly found that Sanya hid behind her in fear when she saw the big grab.

Yun Ni glanced at him, what a little girl you are, I was scared by you.

Da Zhuo had an innocent face, with a conscience of heaven and earth, and he didn't even say a serious word.

"Here, this is the dietary prescription for the young master. Just put a little when stewing the medicinal food." Yun Ni threw a few medicine packets into Dazhuo's arms, and directly took Sanya to the backyard.

Bai Ningxiang leaned halfway on the beauty's couch, she had already calmed down her excitement.

"Girl, Sanya is here." Before entering the door, Yun Ni's voice was remembered at the door.

"Bring her in."

Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, it seems that this girl has been watching her movements, as soon as she came back on her front feet, she ran on her back feet.

"Sanya is here, sit down quickly, Yun Ni will bring you a plate of peach blossom cake."

Sanya pinched a corner, looked up at the furnishings in the room, with envy and apprehension in her eyes.

"Sister Xiang, I...I want to study in the Bai Clan..."

"When I met you last time, the women's school was not open, so it's useless if you beg me. Now that the women's school has been opened, as long as you are a girl from our own village, you can go to study."

When Bai Ningxiang said these things, it was true that there was a flash of resentment in her eyes.

"What's the matter, but there are difficulties there?"

Sanya lowered her head and remained silent for a long time, then raised her head and her eyes became red.

"My mother wouldn't let me go to school. She gave Baowa the training book, but not to me. My younger brother didn't want to go to school at all, and my mother pushed him to go. Whenever I said I wanted to study, my mother called me a loser. If you say I'm not lucky enough to be born into a brother, then don't even think about studying."

Listening to her tone, Bai Ningxiang understood in her heart, with Aunt Osmanthus's usual style, she was not surprised at all to say such words.

"I didn't accept my fate, so I quarreled with my mother for a few days and was beaten... The elder sister and the second sister couldn't bear it, so they gave me the private money they secretly saved, and asked me to teach Xiushu, I only took one lesson, but my mother found out and ran to my master to make a fuss, but the patriarch had no choice but to return the copper coins."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This is a bit too much.

"Mother not only confiscated the money from the eldest sister and second sister's private house, but also beat up the eldest sister and second sister, ordered us not to eat for two days, and said that if I make trouble again, I will be sold."

Bai Ningxiang was surprised, "Did your mother scare you?"

"No, if she can say it, she can do it. Anyway, the three of us sisters are no better than Baowa's finger in her eyes. It's not surprising that we were sold."

(End of this chapter)

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