Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 581 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 581 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

"You are afraid of being punished by God, and I have nothing to say. As you said, it is your own child after all, and it is your freedom to spoil it however you want. Then you don't regret it."

What Tian Guihua said was right, the government didn't even bother to pay attention to this kind of housework.

Tian Guihua snorted, looked at Bai Ningxiang, and secretly hated, if she hadn't made trouble, the five hundred Wen would have gone into her pocket long ago.

"Don't always worry about other people's affairs. If you have time, you should take care of yourself first. Yingyun is unmarried, tough and restrained. What's the use of earning more money? Isn't it impossible to get married?"


Everyone didn't know what was going on, Tian Guihua's two cheeks were already red and swollen.

Yun Ni withdrew her hand and looked at her coldly,
"Asshole, my girl can also be arranged by you?"

"You dare to hit someone?" Tian Guihua was stunned by the beating, and she didn't come back to her senses until there was a fishy sweetness in her mouth.

"You are the one who hit you, greedy, selfish, unkind to your mother, gossip, and gossip."

As Yun Ni said, she moved her wrist, and Tian Guihua immediately took a step back covering her mouth in fright.

Whether it was the Bai family or the villagers who were watching the fun, they all looked at Yun Ni with shocked eyes. They always knew that Bai Ningxiang had several servant girls by her side, but they never knew that a single servant girl could be so powerful.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the eyes of everyone, and pulled the corners of her lower lips. Today she wants to kill the chicken to make an example to the monkey. Since the chicken jumped out by itself, she doesn't have to be polite.

"Tian Guihua, I think I'm not mean to your family. For the sake of the big girls and the two girls, as long as there is work in the tea garden, I will take the initiative to let them come over. How much money the three sisters earn from me, what do you think I am?" Don't you know? The three sisters earn most of your family's food and clothing?"

"If the three girls use the money they earn to live alone, it will be more comfortable than living with your blood-sucking mother... With the money earned by the girl, I can eat, wear and spend with peace of mind, but even Sanya's Shu Xiu is greedy, really shameless."

"I gave you the opportunity to work, and the wages I paid were only a little bit more. I thought I didn't treat anyone badly, especially your family. I didn't expect that in your eyes, I would become a sturdy woman. It doesn't matter, your opinion doesn't affect me, do you really think my money is so easy to earn?"

"You... What do you mean?" Tian Guihua heard Bai Ningxiang's tone, feeling a little uneasy in her heart.

"It's nothing interesting. I think you look ugly and hate people, so I don't want to deal with you anymore." Bai Ningxiang rubbed the jade ring on her ring finger and said coldly.

"...How can you avenge your private revenge?" Tian Guihua's face turned pale, how could their family live without Da Ya's wages?
"Heh~, the tea garden belongs to my family, and I also pay the wages. If you want to hire someone to work, you can always make up your own mind. They also pay wages. I don't want to make people feel uncomfortable."

Bai Ningxiang looked at Tian Guihua's pale face, she could easily listen to people's instigation, and she had to be able to bear this kind of result.

Everyone looked at Tian Guihua's expression, some gloated and some sympathized, but no one spoke for her.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, everyone's hearts were pounding. At the same time, they were secretly glad that they didn't show up to make a fuss, otherwise, they wouldn't even have the opportunity to work.

(End of this chapter)

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