Chapter 585 Hot eyes

Listening to Zheng Xiucai's tone, Bai Ningxiang smiled indifferently,
"Although the cause of this incident was caused by Sanya's study, it is actually just a fuse. The reason is that people's hearts are too greedy."

The Bai family established a family study, and the children went to school happily, which inevitably made other people jealous.

In addition to the Bai clan, there are two clans of the Wang clan and the Qian clan in Bashan Village, and there are quite a few of them. Other than that, there are only a few sporadic miscellaneous surnames.

Every clan has a patriarch. Today, no matter whether it is a riot or a spectator, several patriarchs did not show up, so there is nothing to understand.

They just want to unite, put pressure on the patriarch, and encourage some people to come out and make trouble, so that the school cannot be held normally. In the end, the patriarch can only open it for free, so that everyone in the village can enter the school for free.

No one was secretly instigating and provoking, and these people would not be so happy.

Some people acted as early birds, while others hid in the dark and waited for the result. Everyone was happy when they succeeded. If they failed, they could only be dragged back by their respective patriarchs to teach them a lesson. On the surface, they were still friendly neighbors in the village.

For this kind of behavior, Bai Ningxiang despises and despises it very much.I always want to sit back and enjoy the achievements of others. If the following children follow suit, what can they do for themselves?
Moreover, she has a big head in building ethnology. If these people ruin it, wouldn't it be a wedding dress for others?

Therefore, no matter whether there is Sanya's business or not, she will come forward.After today's incident, the tribe will be united in the future. Only when the tribe grows stronger, others will not easily provoke them.

Things like today will never happen again.

"Thank you for your reminder, Master. The purpose of inviting Master to give lectures is to ensure that the Bai clan will be able to read and understand in the future. As for the others, they are just asking for face. Since they are ignorant, it's okay to save face."

"As for my reputation, there are two skins in a person's mouth, and it can't be blocked, as long as I have a clear conscience."

In her previous life, she cherished her feathers too much and tolerated everything, so what good did she end up with?
Just like what the little man said, before life and death, everything else is nonsense.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's tone, Zheng Xiucai and his wife looked at each other, "I didn't expect Miss Bai to be so generous at such a young age, I admire you!"

As he spoke, Zheng Xiucai clasped his fists in his hands, and solemnly saluted her.

Bai Ningxiang hurriedly staggered away, "Master, it's serious, and the matter has come to the fore, so I have no choice but to do it."

If everyone is fine and doesn't have bad intentions, why should she bully a group of people so fiercely?

As soon as she stepped through the gate, Bai Ningxiang saw Yixiong drinking tea in the yard.

"It's all resolved?" Seeing the little girl paused, Han Jing lowered the darkness in her eyes and asked softly.

"Well, it's resolved, except for the children of this family, the rest are cleared."

Seeing her brother-in-law always made her think of her bitten ear involuntarily, her heartbeat was a little uncontrollable, and she was very nervous.

Han Jing didn't seem to notice her strangeness, and nodded, "It's late, I let them eat first, your dinner has been kept warm on the fire, and I have already asked Da Zhuo to fetch it."

"...Okay," Bai Ningxiang touched her stomach, she was really hungry.

Yun Ni looked at the atmosphere before the two of them, and retreated silently.

Bai Ningxiang was sitting opposite her righteous brother, her palms were a little sweaty, taking advantage of the dim light, she secretly glanced at him again and again.

(End of this chapter)

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