Chapter 592
Sanya's eyes were red, and the hand holding the knife was shaking all the time, presumably she had stretched to the limit.

"Sanya, calm down..."

Before Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she was interrupted by someone, "I heard that your family is going to be sold, who is it? Let me see."

While talking, an old woman who was over fifty years old walked in, and seeing the battle in the yard, she couldn't help frowning,
"Yo, this is going to be knifed, which one of you is in charge, stop and say something, can you still sell it?"

"Sell, sell...we sell."

Tian Guihua moved over from the door with trembling legs, thinking about how much money she wanted, "Girl, this girl is not like this usually, she is a little emotional today..."

Looking at Sanya's red eyes, Tian Guihua felt guilty, and the more she spoke, the more confident she became. If the matchmaker saw such a fierce girl, she might not be able to sell her at a high price.

"I'm not afraid of a big temper. After a few days of training, I will be obedient... It's just this small body, which is too thin and fragile. I don't know if I can take it back?"

The matchmaker stared at Sanya, looked her up and down, and shook her head in disgust.

"The matchmaker doesn't know something, don't look at this girl as thin and weak, she can do it, otherwise, she wouldn't make the house like this."

Since the matchmaker is not afraid of powerful ones, there is no need for her to hide it.

Listening to Tian Guihua's tone, everyone was speechless. They really planned to sell their daughters.

Farmers, although life is difficult, can generally live on, and no one sells their sons and daughters.Tian Guihua treated her daughter too harshly, and Sanya was frightened again today. Even if she could work, she didn't dare to keep her.

The matchmaker stared at Sanya with critical eyes, as if evaluating an item.

"The face has no flesh, the hair is withered and yellow, and the body is too thin. I don't know if I want to raise it back for a year or so. I don't know how much money it will cost... I will pay three taels of silver at most. If you agree, I will accept it." Take people away, and don’t agree with you to keep them.”

When Tian Guihua heard about three taels of silver, her face immediately collapsed.
"Grandmother, this girl is 12 years old, so the three taels of silver is not enough. Anyway, I have raised her for more than ten years, and three taels of silver can't support her."

The toothmaid gave her a sideways look and sneered, "Just two or three, whether you like it or not."

"Five taels, if the matchmaker can give you five taels, we'll pay you back immediately."

Tian Guihua gritted her teeth and stretched out her finger. Anyway, this girl has already separated from the family, and it's useless to keep it. One or two more is one or two.

The matchmaker looked at the greed in Tian Guihua's eyes, and raised her eyelids, "Five liang of silver is not bad, I want a death contract, let me take it away, regardless of life or death."

"Cheng..." I didn't plan to redeem it at first, and I can save some rations for the family by being around a girl.

Just as Tian Guihua uttered a word, she was interrupted by a roar. Sanya raised her knife and looked at her with a pale face.
"Mom, are you really going to sell me? Dad, is that what you mean?"

Boss Wang glanced at her, smacked his lips, and finally smoked with his head down.

"You damn girl, look at what has become of the family. I have raised you for 12 years, and it is only worth five taels of silver. I have lost money."

After hearing Tian Guihua's words, everyone couldn't help but sigh, at least it was the meat that fell from her body, and she sold it so easily.

Sure enough, in her heart, a girl is as cheap as worthless.

(End of this chapter)

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