Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 600 Strong Desire to Survive

Chapter 600 Strong Desire to Survive
The little man took the glass, poured himself a glass of water, and followed it down his throat. He peeped around before leaning over in a low voice.

"Boss, where is your man?"

"Cough cough... Damn girl, what are you talking about?" Bai Ningxiang blushed, and the temperature that had finally dropped rose again.

Seeing the blushing look of the boss, the little man smiled treacherously, "Boss, the whole family, who doesn't know, the one surnamed Han is the future uncle of our Bai family."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Is she that obvious?
Why no one told her?

Does little aunt know?

"Tsk tsk, look at your face full of enthusiasm, what's the difference between you and that young couple who were married?"

As the little man said, he quietly leaned over and blinked at Bai Ningxiang, "Seriously, how far have you guys gone, have you kissed yet?"

Bai Ningxiang choked, pursed her lips and stared at the little man.

Although she didn't speak, there was no need to ask her blushing and thick neck.

Little boy: "..."

Fuck, the ancients were also so wild?

Now that I've gained experience, who the hell tells me that the ancients are reserved, she will spit on him.

Think about those erotic palaces and pictures, aren’t there 36 styles, 72 styles, and [-] styles, aren’t they all developed by the ancients?

"What are you talking about?"

Just as she was wandering into the sky, an untimely voice sounded not far away.

The two people beside the stone table were not right in their minds, one was wandering in the sky, and the other was dazzled by the blown head. Han Jing made a sudden noise, which made them tremble in fright, and they hugged each other directly, with a horrified expression.

Han Jing: "..."

Don't these two people know that most people with force have good ears and eyes?

Such a blatant muttering, the whole yard might have heard it.

Han Jing glanced at the little man, and he said that this woman is crazy, and it is easy to spoil Xiangxiang. No, she dared to tease the girl to discuss men together without seeing it at a glance.

Receiving Han Jing's cool gaze, the little man almost jumped up.

what happened again?
Panicked inside, still confused on his face, he raised his hand and yawned, "Ah, I worked so hard last night, I was so sleepy."

Although he speaks lazily, the soles of his feet are oiled and the flow is fast.

Dog man, you can't afford to mess with her and hide from the head office.

Hmph, you're running fast.

Looking away, Han Jing looked at the little girl's red smiling face, her eyes darkened, "Is there something wrong with looking for me so urgently?"

Bai Ningxiang coughed lightly, and silently breathed a sigh of relief.

What kind of day I live this day, maybe one day my heart will not obey me and I will run away by myself.

"Cough~, Brother Yi, I have a recipe for wine making in my hand. I want to open a wine shop, so I want to ask you, if the factory building is built under the water chestnut peak, will it be too eye-catching?"

"Brewing wine?" Han Jing looked at her, why couldn't this girl stop?
"That's right, I have a prescription in my hand, it's a pity not to use it."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she explained to him the plan in her heart.

Of course, she didn't focus on the matter of food storage.

She had thought about choosing Lingjiao Peak for a long time. Firstly, it was convenient to store grain, and secondly, the brewed wine had to be cellared to be fragrant. The last point was the mountain spring water on Lingjiao Peak.

The right time and place accounted for two items, which is already very rare.

Listening to the little girl's clear explanation of the reasons, Han Jing pondered for a while, then nodded, "If you choose a place, I will pick some from Zhuangzi for those who go in to work."

(End of this chapter)

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