Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 609 Making the Drawings of the Winery

Chapter 609 Making the Drawings of the Winery
"You just go back and tell grandma, I just take care of my own affairs, the rest has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to take care of it."

"I see, I will tell grandma the truth."

I knew that the eldest sister had this attitude, but she wasn't surprised at all. If she were herself, she wouldn't take on such a thankless task.

After sending the person away, Bai Ningxiang went directly to the study, "Yun Ni, go and call the boy over."

The drawing of the wine shop should be finished and sent to the government for review early, otherwise, she will always have something in her heart and can't sleep well.

The two closed the door and stayed in the study for a day,
During the period, except for Yun Ni delivering tea, no one disturbed her.

Bai Ningxiang summarized the construction of the winery to the young man and described it.

"We have to store enough grain when we start winemaking, so we need a warehouse to store grain."

"The first step in brewing wine is to cook the grain, so several boilers need to be built."

"The steamed grain needs to be stirred, prepared, piled up and fermented in the early stage, and then it needs to be aired, and the area should not be small."

"The third step in winemaking is to use the wine cellar to make wine, which is also the post-fermentation. The mature wine mother is fermented in the cellar. Because the concentration is low, further distillation and cooling are required, so the two places must be next to each other and must be large enough. space operation."

Bai Ningxiang gave the young man a general description of the wine-making process, and then patted her on the shoulder, "Do you understand, just draw the map according to what I said, and we can discuss what we don't understand."

Since she wanted to build a winery, she took out the wine making booklet given by Xie Furong and studied it carefully.

Although she has no hands-on experience, it is still possible to build a winery.

As long as all the process tools needed for wine making are prepared, and the people are brought back when the time comes, everything will be ready.

Listening to the boss's narration, the little boy kept twitching the corners of his mouth. The boss was really rude to her.

But the complaints belong to the complaints, but the work is not ambiguous at all.

After she had a general idea in her head, she held the ruler in one hand and the charcoal pencil in the other, and worked hard.

To paint and draw, the rice paper was wasted one after another, and it was not until dusk that a blueprint came out.

"Boss, take a look, from the storage warehouse, to the boiler room, to the drying hall, then to the wine cellar, and the distilled and cooled sky pot, come in order, do you think it's okay?"

After each process, they are arranged in order, and there is no roundabout route. After the start of work, a lot of transportation time can be reduced.

Bai Ningxiang looked at the lines on the rice paper, not to mention, the little man is really talented in drawing, the lines are clear, concise and easy to understand.

"Is the hang hall a bit small?"

Bai Ningxiang pointed to the middle position, where the cooked grains were stirred and piled up for fermentation, if the space was too small, it would not be possible to use it at all.

The little boy didn't know how to make wine, so he nodded after listening to the boss's explanation, "I'll change it again."


The two were busy again, only hearing the rustling of charcoal pencils on the rice paper, until midnight, a perfect drawing was finally placed on the table.

"Finally done."

The little man stretched, rubbed his eyes, looked at the hourglass beside him, and suddenly screamed,
"Ah, it's late, I missed two meals."

Bai Ningxiang: "...someone has prepared it for you long ago, and deliberately prepared ginseng soup for you, specially for nourishing your mind."

The little man was crying, "As a senior foodie, I can't miss a meal."

(End of this chapter)

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