Chapter 611

Listening to the mayor's tone, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help sighing in her heart, it seemed that it was more troublesome than she expected.

No wonder Xie's wine shop can't continue to operate. With the supervision of the wine officer and the pressure of those powerful people, it is indeed a matter of time before it goes bankrupt.

"Thank you for reminding me, my lord. After the winery is established, I will definitely operate it legally and pay taxes according to the regulations."

"If that's the case, leave the drawings, and the mayor of the town will send them to the county government in person. If everything goes well, the servants will come to your door to deliver the approval documents, and then build according to the specifications of the documents and drawings."

"Thank you, Lord Mayor," Bai Ningxiang saluted, and with a few polite words, she left the town office.

Walking on the street, Bai Ningxiang suddenly stopped, "I don't know if Chief Xu knows what the mayor likes?"

Xu Lichang looked at the little girl in front of him. From the first time he saw her, he knew that she was a smart girl.

Ordinary people will be more or less cautious when they see an official, out of instinctive fear, but this girl is generous from the beginning to the end, neither humble nor overbearing, which is really rare.

In his heart, the mayor is not only his immediate superior, but also a very serious person. Every time he goes to the town office to report something, he is very careful, for fear of doing something wrong and being held accountable and reprimanded.

Over time, it becomes a habit.

Today, I came here with sister Bai's family. Her performance has to make people look at her highly.

"The mayor is a rigorous person. I have never seen him have a preference for luxury. Even the mansion is simple and simple. When it comes to preferences, there is really nothing special about it."

Li Chang Xu frowned, and shook his head, "I have visited the mayor's mansion before, and the furnishings in the house are very simple..."

Speaking of this, Xu Lichang paused suddenly, his eyes were a little subtle.

"I remember that there seemed to be several pots of orchids in the adult's study room. I heard that one of the pots was called a ghost orchid. It grew on a piece of rotten wood. It had flowers but no leaves. It had a graceful posture. I could see that the mayor was very Baby that pot of orchids."

"I don't know if this is a personal preference? Whether it is or not, I think the mayor should be Alan's master."

Orchids belong to the first of the four gentlemen, and are very popular among literati.

Liking orchids is an elegant thing, regardless of whether they are expensive or not, they can make people look up to them.

Listening to Xu Lichang's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help twitching the corners of her lips, isn't it a personal preference to have a pot of ghost orchids?

As far as she knows, ghost orchid species are extremely rare, and those that can be kept at home are even rarer.

Because the growth conditions of ghost orchids are extremely harsh, they generally grow in swampy forests, and live by sucking oak and beech rotten leaves and rotting wood. Moreover, the roots are very deep, with flowers but no leaves. The flowers are gorgeous and strange in shape. Like a frog that keeps jumping.

Ghost orchids with such harsh growth conditions can be seen to be difficult to pick.

The mayor can have a plant, how can it be described as a hobby?

Since adults like orchids, she can choose what she likes. Although she doesn't have a ghost orchid, doesn't she still have a superb orchid at home?
Although it is not as valuable as the ghost orchid, it is also a beautiful and precious orchid.

Since he is from Ailan, there is no reason to dislike her.

"Thank you Lichang Xu for the information. Everyone said that there are many people who are polite. In order to make the winery go smoothly, there happened to be a pot of orchids at home."

"I'm troubled by Mr. Xu to taste it. If you think it's in good shape, I'll trouble you to make a trip later. Thank you in advance, little girl."

(End of this chapter)

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