Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 622 I've been slapped again

Chapter 622 I've been slapped again
Bai Er deserved it, but letting him suffer along with him would be annoying.

"The people in your Lujia Village are really particular. Everyone who comes out likes to ride in a horse-drawn carriage, unlike us, who are very happy to ride in a bullock cart."

Hearing Bai Qixuan's ridicule and the mockery in his eyes, the Lu family members froze.

It was Lu who was the first to react, "What does this brother mean? We are the bride's family, and we should be given the best treatment. What's wrong with asking for a carriage? Is it too much?"

"Isn't it too much? Or is it common for your Lu family to use horse-drawn carriages for ostentation?"

Bai Qixuan glanced at everyone in the Lu family, with a mocking tone.

"Today is a day of great joy for the members of my Bai clan. I don't want to make trouble, but I can't bear the second brother letting you go."

I have heard from my wife a long time ago that the daughter of the Lu family is a young widow and is not a good match. It is a pity that the second brother Bai has been seduced and doesn't care about anything. He only wants to marry a beautiful wife.

It's okay now, being led by the nose, being embarrassed by a group of unreasonable women, it's retribution.

"Sister-in-law of the Lu family, you are marrying daughters, and you are not making enemies. Do you need to go online? Do you have to send them in a horse-drawn carriage? They are all peasants. How can there be so many horse-drawn carriages?"

With a tease, Li Shi walked out from the crowd, if she hadn't seen the trouble of Bai Er Er looking for a daughter-in-law, she wouldn't bother to care about it.

"Second brother, Dad asked you to come and help, why did you still get on with someone?"

When Bai Qixuan saw his sister-in-law approaching, he immediately gained confidence. It's not good for a big man to argue with a group of women. If he wasn't too angry, he wouldn't bother to speak.

"Sister-in-law, Second Brother Bai entrusted me to see off the guests. I started cleaning the ox cart early in the morning and was ready to see off the guests at any time. Unfortunately, people don't like it and insist on taking a horse-drawn carriage..."

Bai Qixuan didn't hide anything, and directly stated Lu's request.

Before Li could speak, another person came out from the crowd,
"Boss, our cattle have been hungry for a whole day. Since they are not rare, let's take them home and feed them with fodder. Don't be hungry. During the busy farming season, we still count on the cattle to work."

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?" Bai Qixuan became popular, wondering if his wife saw him breaking his mouth just now?

Mrs. Wang glared at him, and went directly to Mrs. Li, "Sister-in-law, it seems that our good intentions have been treated like donkeys."

It's a pity that people don't like it.

Seeing her younger siblings standing up, Mrs. Li had smiles in her eyes. Her younger siblings are aggressive, but fortunately, she is a nice person and reasonable, and their sister-in-law's relationship is also good.

"Sister-in-law of the Lu family, in our entire Bashan Village, except for the landlord's house, only my sister Xiang has a carriage. Every time the carriage is incensed before going out, even I, a godmother, am too embarrassed to open my mouth." .”

"Sister Xiang, Aijie, it's a hot day, and she's sweating all over. If it's squeezed into the carriage, Sister Xiang will have to dismantle the carriage and clean it later?"

Wang covered her mouth with a handkerchief, her tone exaggerated.

Listening to the sister-in-law singing together, Lu almost couldn't keep her smiling face.

She had a headache when she saw Mrs. Li, and she suffered a lot during the banquet, and now another Mrs. Wang came here. Today is really unlucky.

Don't say that Mrs. Lu is not happy, the face of the person who came with him to send her off is also not good-looking.

Sending off a wedding is a happy event, when is it not a happy departure and a joyful return?
(End of this chapter)

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