Chapter 636

After starting the ethnology, Zhang came back with her daughter, hoping that Ms. Jia could read and write.

Mrs. Zhang herself ran around the village and town.

"But my mother said that Sister Xiangxiang is a person who does important things and is very busy every day, so don't let me disturb you." Sister Jia pouted, she always felt that her mother was perfunctory.

"Ha~, my sister is not busy every day. When you finish your homework, you can go back with Qiaoer and see if I'm there, will you understand?"

Bai Ningxiang smiled, she didn't know much about Mrs. Zhang, but from the look in the eyes of the godmother just now, she knew that she was very strict with Sister Jia.

"Okay, after I finished my homework, I went to play with Qiaoer, but I don't know if Aunt Xia will let Qiaoer out to play, Qiaoer secretly told me that Aunt Xia is stricter than my mother."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

The little aunt is famous, but I don't know if she knows it?

Bai Ningxiang took Brother Xing by the hand, talking to him while walking, and walked for a quarter of an hour before arriving at the door.

"Brother Hall, why are you standing at the door?" Looking at the person at the door, Bai Ningxiang was stunned.

"Big sister, I'll wait for you to come back." Bai Zhimin raised his head, thinking of his purpose of coming, his expression was a little unnatural.

"Go in and talk,"

Bai Ningxiang sighed, walked in first, sat down in the courtyard, and ordered tea to be served.

"Big brother, you might as well just speak up." For this person, Bai Ningxiang felt that she had expressed enough kindness.

If he is still unaware, there is nothing he can do.

"Eldest sister, I'm sorry, I don't know what Lu Shi told dad, he insisted on asking me to come and borrow a carriage from elder sister, and prepare to use it when I return home in three days."

"As soon as I refused, she cried and cried in front of my father, saying that she was ashamed on the day of her marriage, and if she returned home no matter how shabby she was, she would make her mother's family feel ashamed."

Bai Zhiming spoke with boredom in his eyes, but he couldn't resist his father's reprimand, so he still came.

"Father said to borrow a carriage to go back, so that the Lu family can know that Mrs. Lu has not been wronged in our Bai family."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Have you been wronged? Can a carriage express it?
She felt that what she said that day was straightforward enough. The second uncle's deceitful behavior was worse than her grandmother's. No wonder her grandmother liked the second and third uncles. It turned out that they were all the same kind of people.

"You tell me this, what if I don't borrow it, and the second uncle scolds you later?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at him and raised her eyebrows.

"It's not the first time scolding me, I'm used to it."

Bai Zhimin was silent for a moment, then laughed at himself,
"Big sister, do you know that I found my second brother, who has been living with my mother. He used to hide from me on purpose. After I found out, he told me the truth, saying that the family my mother married had no sons. He is willing to stay as a stepson."

"I told my father about this. At first my father was very angry and scolded my second brother. But later, for some reason, I didn't even mention letting my second brother come back."

Speaking of this, Bai Zhimin looked up at his cousin, smiling desolately, and Bai Ningxiang frowned.

"I only realized after seeing Mrs. Lu that my father still expects Mrs. Lu to give birth to a son. People say that as long as there is a stepmother, there must be a stepfather. It is true."

After his father got married, his eyes were full of disgust and dissatisfaction, and he always felt that he was useless as a son and couldn't do anything well.

(End of this chapter)

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