Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 639 I Take It Over

Chapter 639 I Take It Over

He never knew before that his father was so ruthless, and now with Lu Shi, there would be no room for their siblings in the family.

"Fortunately, my brother-in-law treats her well, but her mother-in-law is not easy to get along with. If sister Xue is wronged, I will ask my eldest sister to help."

"I promise you, if Sister Xue begs to come before me, I will not stand idly by. Anyway, her surname is Bai, and I won't let anyone torture her. You can also tell her that if you have any difficulties, just come to me."

Bai Ningxue is luckier than herself, at least she has an older brother to protect her.

"Thank you, big sister." Bai Zhiming took a step back and bowed deeply. He couldn't help resenting his mother in his heart. With such a kind and capable cousin, why didn't he get along well?
Otherwise, how can there be troubles?

Next, Bai Ningxiang handed Bai Zhimin to Ding Yang, and asked her to take Bai Zhimin to Lingjiao Peak to live for a few days, and mix with the veterans by the way, to get used to living in groups first.

Listening to the girl's arrangement, Yun Ni looked puzzled, "Girl, what are you doing sending people to Lingjiao Peak?"

"Wei Zichangzi and his gang come from all corners of the country, and they are also retired soldiers. These are what my cousin lacks. Mixing with them, I can gain some knowledge. Coupled with Ding Yang's training, walking outside will be more or less smooth. .”

"That's true. I hope he won't disappoint the girl's painstaking efforts."

How could she not see that the girl took the initiative to teach Meng Shi a lesson, and indirectly lost the support of the three brothers and sisters of Bai Zhimin, and she felt guilty.

In fact, she didn't think so. Everything was caused by the Meng family. When she made a move to harm someone, she should have thought about the consequences of the incident being exposed.

Investigating the root cause, the Meng family is the culprit, and her daughter is also the victim.

It's just that her girl is so powerful that she was not calculated by others.

"Girl, in fact, you don't have to feel guilty. It's not the girl's fault that you have become like this today."

Hearing Yun Ni's comfort, Bai Ningxiang was stunned for a moment, then shook her head, "I don't feel guilty, I just help him within the scope of my ability. Fortunately, they are also cousins, if they turn a blind eye, what is the difference with the first-class Meng family? "

Whether she is a person or a thing, she has her own bottom line.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Li came with a cake, "Xiangxiang, I discussed with your godfather yesterday and decided to take over the job of Lingjiaofeng Stove. Don't worry, the godmother will never hold back."

"What did the godmother say? You can promise me that I can't ask for it. You also know that I can't watch over there all the time. With the godmother here, I can rest assured."

Bai Ningxiang pulled her to sit on the beauty's couch, and poured a glass of water, "Don't worry, you don't have to worry about vegetables and grains. Except for the ones we brought there, there are also nearby villagers who sell them. When the time comes, I will find someone to help you." of."

"That's great. I've been preparing for it for two days and I can go anytime."

Mrs. Li came in a hurry and left in a hurry.

After a while, Yun Ni arrived with Master Li.

"Haha...Since Li met Miss Bai, he has made a lot of money. Thank you Miss Bai for the meal." Master Li cupped his fists and laughed.

"Master Li, you are welcome. We are already acquaintances. If we have work, we will naturally think of you first." Bai Ningxiang asked someone to sit down, and directly presented the blueprint, "Master Li, please take a look, this is the construction drawing of the winery."

Master Li spread out the drawings and examined them carefully for a while, "Don't worry, Miss Bai, I'll take over the job."

(End of this chapter)

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