Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 663 Like Abandoned Wild Dogs

Chapter 663 Like Abandoned Wild Dogs

If the Bai family dares to ruin her reputation, she wants Bai Ningxue to look good. Anyway, no one in the Bai family will back her up. As long as she dares to come back, I have plenty of ways to torture her.

Who knew that in the blink of an eye, the daughter-in-law was pregnant.

Although she was still very angry about the heirs of the Xu family, the head of the family forbade her to mess around.

Who made her have only one son, Brother Kang, and the reputation of the Xu family has been clouded by Brother Cheng's death. If she really divorced her wife, the patriarch of the Xu clan alone would not agree.

Thinking of this, Mrs. Xu tried her best to force a smile, but just as she was about to speak, she was preempted by the head of the family.

"Miss, please tell Miss Bai that the Xu family has come to make amends. Please be accommodating."

As the elder of the Xu family, Xu Danian blushed and saluted the little boy. The situation was stronger than others. If the Xu family wanted an heir, they had to bow their heads.

Thinking of this, Xu Danian felt a little regretful, he would have persuaded his wife when he knew that he was acting like a demon, so he wouldn't have made things so rigid.

The little man looked at Xu Danian, wiped his hands with a handkerchief, "Are you the father of Xu Da Nian?"

"Exactly," Xu Danian gave an apologetic laugh and nodded repeatedly.

The little man took a sip of tea and cleared his throat, "I can't do it even if I'm here, my second girl has been wronged a lot this time, and I feel very uncomfortable, and I don't want to see anyone. Our second girl is now the baby of the whole family." , everyone waited on them carefully, for fear that the second girl might get pregnant."

"The eldest of my family said that the family has a big place and few masters. It is a happy event to be able to add someone to the family. The child born to the second girl will take the mother's surname Bai from now on, and he will also be the young master of the family."

"What? Take the mother's surname, no, how can our Xu family's child be named Bai? I don't agree." When Xu heard this, she almost jumped up.

"What does it have to do with whether you agree or not? The child is only two months old and is still in the second girl's womb. If she is unhappy alone, you can't even think about having a child named Bai."

If you dare to threaten her, you will not die.

Xu: "..."

"Okay, everything is clear, you guys go away. Don't hang around in front of my house, I just had tea, in case I can't digest it anymore." The little man said, waved his hands, with a look of disgust.

The Xu family looked at each other, a little dumbfounded, what do you mean, the Bai family wants to reconcile?
When a woman is pregnant with a child, her worth will also drop. What good does it do her to get divorced?Or did she want to hang the Xu family with her children and vent her anger on herself?
After thinking about it for a while, Xu Danian only felt powerless, so what if he hangs on to the Xu family?
The life and death of the offspring is in the hands of the daughter-in-law, but if she really hates Brother Kang, there is nothing they can do to kill the child.

Seeing the dejected face of the master, Mrs. Xu couldn't help but thump. Not only is she not stupid, but she is also relatively young and shrewd. As long as she uses her brain, she will understand the key point.

Only Xu Maokang stood there blankly. When he came yesterday, he didn't see Xue'er, so he must be very angry this time.

It's all because of his incompetence, unable to protect his wife, and always disappointing Xue'er. This time, he didn't even see her face.

They were right, he was a wimp.

After having this thought in his heart, Xu Maokang became completely depressed, "Mother and Dad, my son is useless, and Xue'er is also disappointed. She must not want our child either."

Saying that, regardless of whether the parents understood or not, they left with their stiff bodies.

Miserable, like a wild dog abandoned by people.

(End of this chapter)

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