Chapter 671 Running God
"It was you who were reckless, and you still need me to remind you?"

The son and the girl haven't seen each other for so long, how could they not cheer up?
Ding Yang folded her arms, took a step back, and slowly hid her figure in the darkness. Maybe she was used to it, but she still liked to hide herself.

Be a leopard ready to go.

Bai Ningxiang struggled out of Yixiong's arms, her cheeks were flushed, and she coughed lightly, "Cough~, Yixiong has worked hard all the way, how about washing up before coming to the main hall for dinner?"

"Listen to you." Han Jing smiled, and the girl was shy.

After calming down a bit, Bai Ningxiang greeted Yun Ni, "Call someone for help, bring hot water to brother-in-law's room."

"Yes," Yun Ni didn't dare to show her face, disturbing the young master's confession of lovesickness, she was afraid of being angered.

Bai Ningxiang was holding a book, sitting by the dining room in the living room, without turning a page for a long time, her mind was full of the scene of her brother-in-law appearing in front of her eyes.

Under the moonlight, the stars are twinkling, Mr. Jiaqing, his beauty is shining brightly, his color is so beautiful...

"By the way, girl, when the young master came back, he picked up Xu Maokang who was so drunk on the official road in front of him. Hearing what Dazhuan said, he was almost crushed into meatloaf."

Yun Ni was holding a cup of ginseng soup, remembering what she said just now, she still told the girl back.

She knew that the second girl was not prepared to reconcile and made such a big commotion, but she just wanted the Xu family to pay attention to her, and by the way, be the master of the family, so that life would be more comfortable.

After reporting it, I realized that the girl didn't listen at all.

Yun Ni pursed the corners of her lips and almost bit her tongue, today she is really... IQ is not online.

"Cough~, Yun Ni, what did you just say?" The smell of ginseng soup wafted through her nostrils, and Bai Ningxiang regained consciousness.

Yun Ni: "..."

What can she do, repeat it.

"Xu Maokang got drunk?" Bai Ningxiang twitched her lips, she couldn't protect her daughter-in-law, so what's the use of getting drunk?

"What about people?"

"...was thrown at the door by Brother Da Da, so he should have fallen asleep outside the door right now." Da Da was still so straightforward that he didn't even let the door in.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Let Dahe take a trip and throw people at the door of Xu's house, so as to save our land from being dirty. "If someone sees a drunk lying in front of her house, they will think how cruel they are.

"Okay, I'll notify Dahe immediately."

When Han Jing walked in, she heard such a sentence, "People like the Xu family are not worth the girl's trouble."

It's just a selfish troublemaker. To deal with this kind of person, you can't be reasonable. Direct force and intimidation are more useful than anything else.

As soon as Bai Ningxiang turned her head, she saw Yibro was wearing a loose robe hanging on her body, revealing her white neck faintly, her hair was still steamy, casually draped over her shoulders, and the falling water drops flowed into the skirt of the collar along the loose collar, With a charming style.

Maybe it's because of arriving home, or maybe it's because of the relaxation after bathing. At this moment, Han Jing's expression is lazy and his breath is gentle. No matter how you look at it, he looks like a docile house cat, and he really wants to be petted.

It's a pity that Bai Ningxiang didn't dare, the house cat in front of him was just an illusion, as long as he wanted to, he could reveal the ferocious appearance of a cheetah anytime and anywhere.

Thinking of this, Bai Ningxiang clasped her hands, gestured with a straight posture, and said to herself, a man's head and a woman's feet can only be seen but not touched.

Han Jing watched the little girl staring at him without blinking, and the corners of her lips could not help but curl up. He knew a long time ago that this girl seemed to like his skin very much.

"looks good?"

(End of this chapter)

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