Chapter 674
My mind was filled with the deep and hoarse laughter of my brother-in-law, the warm and lingering whispers, the soft touch of the corners of the lips... With a bang, Bai Ningxiang sat up suddenly, and her forehead was covered with white sweat again.

Looking at the bed curtain above her head, Bai Ningxiang slapped her forehead fiercely, and she actually had erotic dreams again.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Is she really that horny?
In the dream, he actually brewed his brother-in-law for Jiang Jiang?

My god, it's so embarrassing.

"Girl, are you awake?" The bed curtain was lifted, and Yun Ni's face appeared in front of Bai Ningxiang, almost scaring her soul out of her body.

"Girl, why are you sweating so much?"

Hearing Yun Ni's question, Bai Ningxiang felt guilty and embarrassed, "Huh? It's nothing, I just had a scary dream."

"Is it a nightmare? Is it serious? Do you want to call a doctor?"

Meng Meng didn't dare to be careless, Yun Ni wiped the girl's forehead with a handkerchief. "What is the dream so powerful, the girl's face was flushed red from fright.

Bai Ningxiang is embarrassed, she is no longer a nightmare, she may, probably, maybe... miss spring.

"No need, I'll take my time." Bai Ningxiang put down the curtain of the bed, leaned against the head of the bed and stayed quiet for a while, when she closed her eyes, the scene in her mind was filled with dreams.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "Yun Ni, what time is it?"

"It's just Chenshi." Yun Ni soaked the face towel and asked the girl to wipe her face.

"Prepare me a basin of cold water, I'll pat my face." Bai Ningxiang sat up, washed her face with cold water, and her head was indeed much clearer.

Putting on her favorite blue gauze dress, Bai Ningxiang sat in front of the vanity mirror in satisfaction, and asked Yun Ni to do her hair.

"Is brother-in-law up?"

"My lord has woken up early, and I should have just finished training this time." Yun Ni was picking out suitable hosta accessories while hairpinning the girl.

"Just use this hibiscus hairpin."

Bai Ningxiang picked up the hairpins and handed them over. They were all given by her brother-in-law. She is a casual person. When she is busy with work, she would tie up her hair with a jade hairpin. Up to now, she has not worn all the styles of hairpins given by her brother-in-law.

"Let sister-in-law Chunmei bring Brother Xing over, and I'll take him to the front yard for dinner."

"Okay, girl."

After a while, a childish voice sounded, "Sister, sister, I'm here."

"Let's go to the front yard with big sister to have dinner with big brother." Bai Ningxiang held his hand, just as she entered the yard, she saw Bai Ningxue push the door out.

"Brother Yi arrived last night, Second Sister is having breakfast by herself today, don't worry, the Xu family will definitely come to the door today." Seeing Sister Xue's expression, Bai Ningxiang comforted her.

"Second sister, eat cakes." Brother Xing ran over, pulled her by the hem of her clothes, and dragged her to the front yard together.

"Brother Xing, there are guests in the front yard. Second sister is not in good health and is not suitable to go out. Later, second sister and aunt will make cakes for you, okay?"

Bai Ningxue knelt down and pinched Brother Xing's plump little face. She didn't know if it was because of her pregnancy, but her heart softened when she saw the child.Never before has this been the case.

"Cousin don't worry about me, I'm fine." Whether it's for herself or for her children, she will be strong.

"Okay, second sister is full, let's find aunt together." Brother Xing was very obedient, he let go of his hands and looked up at Bai Ningxue, and said happily.

"Okay, when Brother Xing comes back, I'll take you to find my aunt to make cakes."

Looking at Brother Xing's chubby smiling face, Bai Ningxue couldn't help being puzzled in her heart, she really didn't know what her aunt was thinking, how could she be an ancient Buddha with a green lamp when her cousin is still so young?
(End of this chapter)

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