Chapter 677

Li Chang Xu glanced at Xu Danian and his wife, "How did the family discuss it? Tell your nephew and daughter-in-law well. The Xu family can't bear the unruly and domineering people the most, so naturally they can't tolerate selfish and mean people."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Is Mrs. Xu being disliked?

Hearing the patriarch's warning, Xu's face turned pale, he clasped his hands together, and pressed the corners of his lips tightly, asking her to admit her mistake in person, what's the difference from hitting her in the face directly?
When she looked at Bai Ningxue on the opposite side, there was obvious resentment in her eyes, especially when she touched the silver hairpin carved with snowflakes, she felt even more uncomfortable.

Running back to her mother's house not only didn't get angry, but lived a very nourishing life, even wearing new clothes and new jewelry.

In Xu's house, she had never seen her dressed so ostentatiously. She also went to see Bai's room. There were not many good things in the jewelry box. Could it be that when she ran to her mother's house, she took all the good things away?
The more she thought about it, Xu became angry, but before she could hesitate, Xu Danian pulled down her sleeves, "What are you doing in a daze, express your opinion quickly?"

Dead woman, you said it well at home, you won't go back on your word, right?

"Since everything has been discussed, why do you still ask me? I have lived half my life, and when I get old, I have to live by the face of my daughter-in-law." Xu was not reconciled, and she choked when she opened her mouth.

"Ahem...Daughter-in-law, don't be as knowledgeable as your mother. She has long hair but short-sightedness. We farmers live a life without touching the spoon. We live by stumbling and stumbling."

"But it's your mother's fault for doing something against you. Father hereby promises you that as long as you are willing to continue living with Brother Kang, you will be in charge of the family. From now on, the size of the family will be up to you. From now on, your mother and I will only watch the children with you."

After Xu Danian finished speaking, he let out a long breath. It was fine in the past, but now the daughter-in-law is protected by a cousin, and the situation is stronger than others. They just want to be tough, and they are not the match of the Bai family girl.

The patriarch was right, those who know the current affairs are heroes, maybe in the future with the in-laws of the Bai family, the life of the Xu family will not be too sad.

When Xu heard that the head of the family opened her mouth and let her go, she didn't even pause, and even apologized to the bitch directly, her face turned green and red, if the patriarch was not in charge, she would just slap her face and leave.

Step on her face on the ground, is there no one to bully her natal family?
Everyone saw Xu's expression, but no one cared. Who would pay too much attention to a person who is not worthy of respect?

Bai Ningxue lowered the look in her eyes, raised her hand to stroke the silver hairpin on her hair, and sighed helplessly.

"At first, I thought life would be difficult, but at least my cousin took him in. Who knew God's will tricked me, but I found out that I was two months pregnant. After all, this child is the heir of the Xu family. I can't deprive him of his surname and life."

"Although the cousin is willing to add someone to the family, the child's surname is Xu. I am the mother, and I can't change this. My father-in-law's sincerity, my daughter-in-law has received it. Thank you for your promise to me for the Xu family's heirs."

As Bai Ningxue said, she got up and saluted,
"As for the power of the house, the daughter-in-law has the audacity to take it over. It was fine before, but now that I have a child, in order to let the child grow up healthily, even if I bear the infamy, I am not afraid."

What the daughter-in-law said moved Xu Danian very much. The children of the Xu family can't change their surnames, otherwise his bloodline will be cut off.

"It's fine if you want to go back. Don't worry, Brother Kang will treat you well in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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