Chapter 686
"I can't take you with me. After a while, we will let you follow us when we are shopping for the Mid-Autumn Festival. If you have enough time, you can stay in the county for a few days."

"Really? Thank you girl, the servant girl is waiting for you."

Xia Qing listened to the girl's arrangement, and his dim eyes suddenly lit up.

As long as there is a chance to go out and see it, she is so old and has never been out of the village. She heard the young man say that the county is the most prosperous place around, so she wants to go and see it to open her eyes.

"Then learn how to read well. If you go to the county town and don't know how to read, you will suffer a lot."

Alas, the persistence in this girl's eyes is too heavy, and I don't know if she can change it, it's troublesome.

Although she didn't regret saving Bai Ningxiang, this girl was very paranoid, and she even accepted death.

In case something difficult to make a decision, I don't know if I will stab someone?
Just in case, when the banquet comes back, she has to think of a way to break the girl's temperament, if it doesn't work, she will raise her, prepare a dowry, and marry her.

"What are you thinking, you can pinch mosquitoes to death with your brows."

Han Jing came over, raised her hand to smooth her knotted eyebrows,
"Don't frown, it's easy to become an old woman."

Bai Ningxiang patted his hand off, "You are older than me, I am an old woman, what are you? Little old man?"

Hearing the little girl's unhappy tone, Han Jing just looked at her quietly, with the corners of her eyes slightly raised, her eyes sparkling, and the corners of her lips curled into a happy smile.

Slightly bowing close to her ear, with the hot air spraying from the base of her ear, Han Jing's low laughing voice rang in her ear.

"I'm a little old man, and you are an old woman. They just make a good pair."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

It's so unorthodox.

Seeing the little girl's shy and dodged eyes, Han Jing straightened up, laughed and turned to leave.

"Haha... Go back and get ready, we'll be leaving soon."

Looking at the proud back of her brother-in-law, Bai Ningxiang blushed and stomped her feet, rushed back to the backyard, poured a glass of water, and felt her cheeks steaming.

After the family affairs were arranged, they had an early lunch before setting off with Ding Yang Yunni.

The carriage was softly paved, and there was an ice basin in the closet next to it. The interior of the carriage was very cool, and Bai Ningxiang closed her eyes comfortably, listening to the wheels of the carriage rolling forward.

After a certain distance, the carriage stopped and the curtain was lifted, and Han Jing came in holding a book.

"Well, your carriage is more comfortable." As he said, he put the book on the small table, tilted it down beside Your Mother Bai, rested his hands on the back of his head, and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips when she saw someone's sloppy look, she didn't bother to argue, anyway, she couldn't say it anyway, of course it was lonely in a car, and she was also happy when someone was chatting with her, but she couldn't express this small thought.

When passing by the town, Yun Ni got out of the car and bought several freshly baked hot sesame seed cakes. They were burnt and fragrant with sesame seeds, and then they were sandwiched with a large piece of steaming mutton and sprinkled with some spicy peppers. The taste, tsk tsk...

"Meat sandwiched in sesame seed cakes, delicious in the world!"

Bai Ningxiang couldn't bear the temptation, so she asked Yun Ni for two, "Does brother-in-law like this? Eat it while it's hot, it smells so good~"

Han Jing watched her take a bite and squinted her eyes to enjoy it, bent her lower lip, and took a big bite like her.

"not bad."

"Of course, the meat of the lamb that didn't eat green grass is tender, but it's not bad. I'm not picky."

Bai Ningxiang took another bite, looked at her brother-in-law, and subconsciously muttered something.

(End of this chapter)

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