Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 697 Knowing You Is Fate

Chapter 697 Knowing You Is Fate

"Sister, today is the most meal I have eaten in a while." Lou Chenlu wiped her mouth with a handkerchief, and said with a smile.

"Let Aunt Ping check it later. If you think there is no problem, you can live with me for a while if you like. My family doesn't have those so-called rules."

Bai Ningxiang held her hand, feeling that this girl was too lonely,
"Besides, my family has a simple population. My mother lives in a Buddhist hall all the year round and doesn't see people. She also has a three-year-old brother."

"Really, that's great. I'll tell my aunt later and ask her to agree." Lou Chenlu said, got up directly, and told the girl, "Let's go, let's go back now."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Temper is quite anxious.

Bai Ningxiang accompanied her into the yard, and just as she wanted Yun Ni to accompany her home, she saw Yixiong and Li Yueyang also coming out.

"Thank you for your hospitality, my lord, and farewell."

When a group of people meet in the yard, they always say hello.

Bai Ningxiang took Lou Chenlu's hand, and chuckled lightly, "This is my righteous brother, surnamed Han, this should be Miss Li's elder brother, right?"

"It's right here, Miss Bai, I've known you for a long time." If his sister hadn't talked about it often, he wouldn't have remembered it.

Bai Ningxiang twitched the corners of her lips. After the introduction, Lou Chenlu also greeted her generously. Finally, her eyes fell on Han Jing and she chuckled.

"I have admired General Han's name for a long time, and the little girl is polite."

Han Jing nodded. In my impression, there was a surnamed Lou, but he didn't know what it had to do with the girl in front of him.

"Do you know Master Qinglou of the deceased Guanglu Temple?"

When Lou Chenlu heard it, her eyes turned red, she was blessed,

"That's my late father... When the old man was alive, he often mentioned General Han, saying that you are the protector of the Daqing Kingdom, a veritable young general."

"My condolences, Mr. Lou is an upright person, and he is also someone I admire."

After Mr. Lou passed away, his sons didn't seem to have high official positions. Without Lao Tzu's protection, they don't know how far they can go.

"Thank you, General Han. If my late father knew about it, he would be happy to hear General Han's affirmation." Although Lou Chenlu was usually sick, she still spoke with the air of an official lady.

"I usually live at the border for a long time, but I didn't know that Aunt Lou's family was here, so I told Aunt Lou that Han Jing would come to visit another day."

"I will definitely convey General Han's words to my aunt and wait for you."

As Lou Chenlu said, she blessed her body, turned her head to look at Bai Ningxiang, and smiled softly, "It's really fate, I didn't expect that we will always have acquaintances."

"Who says it's not." Bai Ningxiang also felt that it was strange, maybe like-minded people were destined to get together so far away.

"Yun Ni, send Sister Lu'er back, tell Aunt Ping, see you at the banquet tomorrow."

"I'll take my leave too." Li Yueyang glanced at Lou Chenlu, and later he had to tell his mother that Mrs. Lou was not a simple person.

In the blink of an eye, Bai Ningxiang and Han Jing were left in the yard.

"Brother Yi, do you believe in fate?"

"Believe it, meeting you is fate."

Han Jing looked at her, opened her thin lips lightly, but the words she spit out couldn't help but make the heart beat faster.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Unexpectedly, the gentle and refined brother-in-law became more and more dishonest, and always teased people inadvertently.

She obviously didn't mean it that way.

"Ahem...I have something to tell you."

Bai Ningxiang blushed, and narrated the Zhou family's affairs to Han Jing, and finally shrugged her shoulders helplessly,

"Do you sound disturbed?"

(End of this chapter)

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