Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 712 Mutual Check and Balance

Chapter 712 Mutual Check and Balance
Only when they are familiar with each other will they be defenseless. Sure enough, this is not the first time they have met like this.

Thinking of this, Han Jing's eyes froze for a moment. As an official of the imperial court, if he knows the law and breaks the law, he must die.

"It can be confirmed from this that Zhou Xiancheng did collude with the barbarians and profit from it."

"I asked Feng Yi to go to the Zhou Mansion, and found two letters and an account book, one of which was written by Sun Huawen in Rongcheng, and that account book recorded the types of items they smuggled, the amount, and the money they got. "

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

so silly.

Wouldn't it be suicide to leave an account?
Han Jing looked at the girl's suspicious eyes, and the cold eyes suddenly softened a lot.

"Zhou Xiancheng is not stupid, on the contrary, he is smart. The account he left is both a life-saving talisman and a life-saving talisman."

Saying that, Han Jing stretched out her hand, and tucked a strand of hair scattered on her temples behind her ear,

"You have to know that compared with Liu Gongren, Zhou Xiancheng is just an insignificant pawn. If anything goes wrong, he may be abandoned at any time. Since Zhou Xiancheng dared to participate, he should have thought of this long ago. layer."

"So, he kept this account, which is also a disguised threat to Liu Gongren, and let Liu Gongren protect his life at a critical moment. Otherwise, if the account is leaked, everything will be destroyed."

Listening to brother Yi's tone, Bai Ningxiang's eyes brightened, "Now that the thing is in Brother Yi's hands, can we arrest him?"

"It's not enough now. Although the account books and letters alone can be used to convict, they can only convict Sun Huawen and cannot hurt Liu Gongren."

It's hard to hold on to Zhou Xiancheng's line. If the big fish doesn't bite the hook, he can't catch the net.

Thinking of the plan in his heart, Han Jing's eyes flashed, "The bait is ready, brother Yi will naturally set a long line to catch big fish."

"Where you need my help, brother Yi just ask."

"You just need to stay well. Those are desperadoes, and the little girl can't be contaminated." Han Jing glared at her. This girl's curiosity is getting bigger and bigger.

"Okay, Brother Yi, be careful. It's best to uproot evils like Liu Gongren, so as not to harm the people at the border. When the time comes, you can promote your own people. In the future, Brother Yi will be able to guard the border and save a lot of worry."

"Promote your own people? Girl, how do you know this?" Han Jing looked at Bai Ningxiang, suppressed the shock in her heart, and asked her in a calm tone as much as possible.

"What's so difficult about this? My brother-in-law is a general, and he will definitely guard the border in the future. If the officials at the border are all our own, and you join hands to defend the frontier, no matter what, you will be better than some people you don't know?"

Bai Ningxiang shrugged her shoulders innocently, looking at Han Jing with starry eyes.

"Actually, I can think of these, and it's also thanks to Brother Yi, because Brother Yi never hides from me. As long as I ask, you will always explain to me patiently. After a long time, I am a lump of elm, and I have to learn to think three times." point."

Han Jing quietly looked at the little girl opposite, and after a long time, finally smiled indulgently.

"Young girl is a girl's family, so don't worry about these things. Yixiong is not someone who is easily defeated... However, your proposal is very good, and I will consider it."

If you want to promote your own people, it is indeed convenient to guard the frontier, but if you don't do it well, you will be suspected of forming a party for personal gain.

If this person is personally accepted by the monarch, even if those civil servants wear out their mouths, they will not be able to get involved with themselves.

(End of this chapter)

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