Chapter 724

"Pfft~" It turned out that the girl had already discovered it.

"The girl knows why she didn't expose him?" Ding Yang glared at Yun Ni, and then he would mix it up and smile.

"Cats have cat lanes, dogs have dog lanes, they are all blocked, how can it be so lively?" Bai Ningxiang patted Ding Yang on the shoulder.

It's the truth that the words are not rough.

Walking all the way down, Yun Ni had a bunch of little things in her arms, and the three of them were about to head back home, when they saw a commotion in front, followed by the voice of the girl cursing angrily.

"What do you mean, it's your good fortune that we girls like your things, and it's not that you don't give money, don't give face and shame."

"Miss Zhou, I'm really sorry. It's not that we don't want to sell your things. It's because Mrs. Zhou left a message yesterday and can no longer credit you. Otherwise, Mrs. Zhou will be angry."

"You are bold. My girl is the prostitute of the Zhou family, the wife's only daughter. How could she say such a thing? Tell me honestly, what kind of evil intentions do you have?"

"Miss misunderstood, I dare not arrange you at will even if I have ten small guts, it is indeed Mrs. Zhou who confessed..."

Before Xiaoer could finish speaking, he was interrupted by an angry voice, "Enough, let's go."

Zhou Meng had a cold face, the crowd automatically gave way, and when they looked up, they saw Bai Ningxiang in front of them.

Thinking of the embarrassment just now, Zhou Meng's face suddenly turned dark, "So Miss Bai is also a lively person?"

Well, I lost face and took my anger out on her.

Bai Ningxiang stared at her, and smiled lightly, "I just went out for a stroll, I didn't mean to meet you, isn't it just a coincidence."

Listening to Bai Ningxiang's tone, Zhou Meng's eyes glanced at the things Yun Ni was holding in her arms, her eyes were contemptuous, and she was the only one who regarded it as a treasure.

"Things worth a few pennies are yours."

"No matter how high or low, I can afford it. Of course I have to be happy when I buy things with my own money."

She's so small, she dares to run on her, it seems that the embarrassment has not yet been thrown home.

" the county town, it's better for Miss Bai not to be arrogant, so as not to suffer a loss and fall, and cry at that time, but no one will pity you."

Zhou Meng stared at her, his eyes were cloudy and cold, and his hand holding the handkerchief was tight and tight.

"Heh~, I don't need to bother Miss Zhou. I heard that you are busy preparing for marriage recently. If you don't want to be free, even if I have something to do, I won't bother you."

Bai Ningxiang said, looking at Zhou Meng's dark face, she didn't care at all, raised her hand to stroke the jade hairpin on her bun, and spoke softly.

"Oh, by the way, I wish Miss Zhou a happy marriage for a hundred years and fly together."

Zhou Meng: "..."

Lowly girl, dare to laugh at her?

No matter how bad she is, she is still an official family member.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Zhou Meng with a half-smile, the sarcasm in her eyes was undisguised.

Her troubles are so easy to find?

When she doesn't know how to stab people's hearts?

Watching Zhou Meng leave angrily, Bai Ningxiang held the small whip in her hand with a relaxed expression.

"Pfft~, it's the first time I saw Zhou Meng lose his mind in anger, Miss Bai is amazing."

While speaking, Pei Hongyi walked out from the shop just now with the maid, and looked at Bai Ningxiang with a smile.

"I'm unhappy and want to send evil fire on me, it's easier to go home and dream."

Bai Ningxiang stopped, looked at Pei Hongyi, raised her eyebrows,

"You are luckier than me, you can hide in advance."

(End of this chapter)

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