Chapter 731
"Hehe... The boss is very particular, please come in, and the younger one will go to see you after washing up." As he said, the little man bowed at ninety degrees, stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, his appearance was extremely exaggerated.

Also hilarious.

"Slippery, aren't you trying to be a youth group? Why do you have time to grind your teeth?"

"Experiment, of course I won't do too much. I made ten cakes and are still drying them. When they are ready to drink, the boss can taste them. If you like them, you can pick autumn tea and make a batch."

If it wasn't for being forced by that doggy man Han Jing, she wouldn't have hid in Chashan and made herself as busy as a dog. Thinking of this, she felt so tired.

"Boss, I just took a rest. Really, if you don't believe me, ask Dahai."

Receiving the little man's resentful gaze, Bai Ningxiang glared at her, then turned her head to look at the sea, "Don't spoil her all the time, lest she push her nose on your face, and be careful to ride on your neck and domineering."

Dahai stretched out his hand and scratched his head, his eyes flashed with embarrassment, why did it burn his head?

"The little girl is lively and active, and has a good personality, but what she said is right. The girl has only been away for a few days. She has been busy on the mountain and just came down this afternoon..."

Dahai's voice became weaker as he spoke, why did he feel that the girl looked at him in the wrong way?
"Look, there are still people who know the goods." The little man immediately puffed up his chest when he heard Hai Hai's support, his eyes were full of surprise.

This girl is not useless, there are people who like this girl.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, counting her meddling in her own business, one willing to hit the other.

The little man has such a carefree temper, and he doesn't know when the sea will end?

If she had been treated as a brother all the time, she would have laughed.

It's not her who is ruthless as the master, if you want to blame, you can blame Dahai, who let him be used to being unscrupulous, he deserves to be single.

Bai Ningxiang didn't bother to mind the two of them, and walked leisurely to the backyard. Brother Xing was still waiting for her in the backyard.

Yun Ni stared at the sea for a long time with unknown meaning, raised her hand and patted his shoulder,

"Brother, there is a long way to go!"

Dahai: "..."

Ding Yang glanced at him and drove the carriage into the yard.

The little man touched his nose innocently, watched the three of them leave one by one, and then quietly went to the sea,

"Brother Dahai, do you feel that they are all weird?"

"...No, I just came back, so I should be tired." Dahai looked at the little man beside him, regained his senses, and softly comforted him.

"Is it?"

The little man rubbed his chin, why did she feel something was wrong?
"When did brother lie to you? The girl must be tired after going out for a few days."

Dahai patted her on the shoulder, and put the pastries and Yanjin's small river prawns that were put away just now before her eyes.

"Eat it, the dried shrimps are gone, Brother Tomorrow will take you to the cage at Qingyuan River."

"Hehe...Brother, you're still kind enough. Tomorrow, I'll call Bai Cha and Xia Qing, and I'll put down a few more ground cages, catch some rice field eels, and I'll cook you sliced ​​rice field eels with scallions later."

The little man chuckled, sat down next to Dahai, continued to cross his legs, and picked up a piece of peach blossom cake.

Dahai agreed, leaned on the chair beside her, and looked at her silently, with deep and deep eyes.

It's a pity that a heartless person didn't pay attention at all, and was still happily eating.

Bai Ningxiang washed up, and just leaned on the beauty's couch when she heard a childish cheer.

"My sister is back, I want to find my sister."

The door curtain was raised, and a small figure rushed over quickly. Bai Ningxiang sat up quickly, and stretched out her arms to hug the person in her arms.

(End of this chapter)

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