Chapter 738
"Girl, try the freshly grilled lamb chops."

Yun Ni was holding a plate with a burnt rib on it, with fresh perilla leaves next to it. Today, there are also fish, crab and shrimp baked, and perilla leaves are the perfect partner.

"It is a good life to have wine and meat. Go and get some apricot wine. Let's have a good time together. Just get drunk."

"Hey, thank you girl," Yun Ni's eyes lit up when she heard that there was wine.

In the empty yard, there was an Eight Immortals table, with all kinds of baked food on it. Accompanied by the fragrant and rich apricot wine, there were endless laughter and laughter, which made passers-by look at each other frequently, envious.

Bai Huixia sat on the side, looking at everything in front of her, she couldn't help sighing, "It's nice to be young, looking at their smiling faces is like dreaming."

Zhang Yimin couldn't speak, so he could only hold her hand, and looked at the smiles from the heart of his son and daughter, with gratitude in his eyes.

"As the head of the family, meeting Xiangxiang is our blessing, and it's also the child's blessing."

Bai Huixia patted his hand. If there was no elder brother and his family, she really wouldn't know what her life would be like in the end?

Zhang Yimin watched his wife's fleeting sadness, tightened her hands, and made a blind sound in his throat... Pointing at Qiao'er and Lesheng, he patted his chest and nodded like a pounding garlic.

Bai Huixia had lived with him for more than ten years, and there was something she didn't understand, so she took out her handkerchief and pressed the corners of her eyes,
"Master, I know your heart, even if it is to repay Xiangxiang's care, we have to work hard."

"Don't worry, Qiaoer and Lesheng will definitely live better than us in the future. With Xiangxiang protecting them, I have nothing to worry about. All we can do is to learn how to make tea, and don't hold back Xiangxiang."

"Ah..." Zhang Yimin nodded again and again, he has already got the hang of it now, and based on the feeling and texture, the quality of the tea produced is not bad.

Sister Xiang also said that he has a good grasp of technology and so on, what is lacking now is the accumulation of accumulation over time.

After eating and drinking enough, Bai Ningxiang took Brother Xing's little hand and went back to the backyard together. The child became excited and didn't feel sleepy at all.

"Sister, I don't want to sleep yet." Brother Xing held the little whip and puffed his mouth.

"Children go to bed early and wake up early to grow taller."

Bai Ningxiang knelt down and pinched his chubby cheeks,

"Don't you still want to ride a big horse? How can the eldest son climb up?"

Brother Xing blinked and looked down at his short legs. He seemed to be no taller than a horse's legs.
"Okay, I'm going to sleep." If you want to grow up, you have to accept your fate.

"That's good." Bai Ningxiang rubbed his head with an old mother's kindness on her face.

After coaxing Brother Xing to sleep, Bai Ningxiang took a bath and lay on the beauty couch to dry her hair.

"Girl, the boy seems to be drunk." Ding Yang came over, picked up a cotton towel beside him, and wrung out the girl's hair.

"Apricot wine is not strong, how can you get drunk?"

Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes, picked up the cup of tea and took a sip. To set an example for Brother Xing, she only took a sip.

"...With Yunni here, it's fine to put all of them." Ding Yang twitched the corner of his lower lip almost imperceptibly, she knew best what that woman was thinking.

It's nothing more than wanting to make cooked rice with raw rice.

Bai Ningxiang turned her head and looked at Ding Yang, "You said Yun Ni did it on purpose?"

"She should want to help Dahai." Ding Yang bit the bullet and said.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

To commit murder while drinking?

(End of this chapter)

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