Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 740 Everyone Is Guilty

Chapter 740 Everyone Is Guilty

The little man spoke impassionedly, then looked at the sea eagerly.

"Ouba~, is my speech good?"

Dahai: "..."

Yun Ni: "..."

Bai Ningxiang and Ding Yang looked at each other, and couldn't help shaking the corners of their lips. The girl's boastful tone sounded so awkward.

"What's wrong? I didn't speak well?" The little man held Dahai's arm and looked up at him, assuming he didn't give up if he didn't answer.

"...Very well, what you said is right." Dahai hoarse his voice and tried his best to pull out a smile, but it was extremely stiff.

"Hey... I just said that I have a good eloquence. The boss can testify to this. I have never been afraid of anyone except Han Jing." The little man shook Hai Hai's hand and blinked embarrassingly.

Dahai: "..."

This is really an aunt, even the general dares to scold her.

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Dog man, brother?

This bastard girl started talking nonsense when she was drunk, so she was not afraid of being heard.

No wonder this girl would run away like a mouse seeing a cat every time she saw her brother-in-law, so she was so afraid of him.

"Little man, you'll be crazy after drinking a little wine. Are you capable?" Bai Ningxiang helped her half-dry hair with a headband, and then walked out from behind the Moon Gate.

When Yun Ni saw the boss coming, she stood up quickly, looked at Ding Yang silently, and smiled with a guilty conscience.

"Ahaha, boss, why are you here?" The moment the little man saw Bai Ningxiang, for some reason, he subconsciously leaned behind Haihai.

Bai Ning frowned, "Why hide, I can still eat you?"

"...Boss, please forgive me. I didn't mean to scold that Han. Why did he always bully me?" The little man showed half of his head, feeling aggrieved.

"Really, then why don't you go back in front of your face?" Bai Ningxiang sat on the stone pier beside her, and Yun Ni immediately poured tea graciously.

"Do you think I don't want to... But I don't dare to be nice, the look in Han's eyes is too scary. If I wasn't afraid that he would throw me out, I would have fought back."

The little man tugged on Dahai's arm, his teeth itching with hatred, "I'm not cowardly, it's called a man who knows current affairs to be a hero."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Not stupid yet, know how to avoid danger.

"Ahem...Girl, the little man is drunk, just ask Yun Ni to take her back to rest and sober up. You can't believe what you say when you're drunk."

Dahai looked into the girl's indifferent eyes, no matter whether he was angry or not, it was an offense for the boy to insult the general behind his back.

It's even worse for girls to hear.

Listening to Hai Hai's tone, Bai Ningxiang raised her eyebrows, "You are going to give up the good conditions that Yun Ni created for you?"

"...Although I'm not a gentleman, I don't have the intention of taking advantage of the fire." Da Hai glanced at Yun Ni and said in a deep voice.

"Girl, the servant girl just wants to test the male sister's mind, and has no other intentions." Yun Ni felt guilty, lowered her head, and stared at her toes.

"It's good that you know that a woman's reputation can't be easily damaged. It's fine if the two have that intention. If there is a misunderstanding, it will hurt others and yourself."

Bai Ningxiang glared at her, Yun Ni is good at everything, sometimes she is too aggressive.

Perhaps it has something to do with her previous training, and she will do whatever it takes to achieve her goal.

But starting a family, starting a business, getting married and having children is a major event in the life of two people, and it cannot be sloppy.

"My maidservant knows my mistake." Yun Ni blushed a little, looked at the little boy's flushed face, touched his nose, and flashed apology in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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