Chapter 750 Arrest
"The 10 taels of silver... can we intercept it?"

Wei Zixian is not interested in court battles, he only cares about his pocketbook, whether he can make up for the herbs in his treasury depends on whether the boss nods or not.

"Let me think."

Han Jing didn't reject it outright, the border was not peaceful, and the southern barbarians were rampant, if the money sent to Qingdu was intercepted, no matter whether it was Liu Gongren or the Ninth Prince, he would only suffer from being dumb.

Those gangsters had colluded with Liu Gongren, they were just fishing in troubled waters.

"Get ready, intercept halfway, don't be too close to the border, save yourself from being bitten by Lu Ran, saying that guarding the border is not good, although Lu Ran is talented, but that guy guarding the border is not bad, frequent changes will only shake the border military affairs."

"Yes, yes, this is a good note, even if I agree to do it in Qingdu, it's not easy to see the light, so it's suitable for black and white."

Wei Zixian slapped his thigh, his eyes lit up, and he had already started planning the use of the money in his heart.

Han Jing ignored Wei Zixian who was immersed in his own thoughts, and directly invited Feng Yi to arrange the next thing,

"After getting the money, quickly evacuate and hand it over to Uncle Liang, and leave the rest alone."

"Master, don't worry," Feng nodded, and left quickly, this kind of thing is what Feng Er is best at.

Afterwards, Han Jing sent another letter of divorce, and asked the secret guard to give it to her grandfather, so that he could pay attention to the movement of the Ninth Prince, especially the Mr. Wang who is next to the Ninth Prince, who usually comes into contact with... Tell him the story again.

After grandpa found out, he didn't need to mention it, just what to do.

After the arrangement, when Mr. Wang left with the money, Han Jing chose a good weather and led the border army to surround the City Lord's Mansion. Before everyone could react, he had already controlled all the people in the mansion.

The big arresters went to the study room, subdued Liu Gongren who was handling official business, and seized his correspondence with the people in Qingdu.

When Liu Gongren saw Han Jing, his face turned pale, and he immediately pretended to be calm. He glanced at the crying family members in the mansion, and calmed down. He couldn't panic at this time.

Han Jing looked at Liu Gongren's forced expression with cold eyes.

"If you get the stolen goods, your position as city lord is over."

"General Han, what do you mean?"

Liu Gongren looked at the border troops around him, and then at Han Jing, his heart skipped a beat. He couldn't figure out when Han Jing came to Rongcheng and made such a big battle.

"Now that things are up to now, the city lord still wants to play sloppy with me, it's too stupid... You will spend the next few days in the prison, where you don't need to work, so you will naturally have a lot of time to think about it, what is the meaning of this ?”

Liu Gongren's eyes shrank, he rarely dealt with this major general, a few years ago, he had met once or twice, but they passed by in a hurry.

I only know that he has iron-blooded wrists and is a general who can fight in battle, but I didn't expect that he came to the door today to besiege him.

Isn't it said that the Han family are all warriors, and they are only suitable for leading soldiers to fight?
"Major General, you need Liu to die to understand. What is your identity to arrest me?" Although he had some guesses in his heart, he still didn't want to admit that Rongcheng, where the sky is high and the emperor is far away, who would Care about him?
"My lord, I really don't know whether to say you are smart or stupid. I can come here because I must be ordered to investigate something."

(End of this chapter)

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