Chapter 757 Guard
"Thank you so much for the care of the head of the village. The tea garden has grown. When picking tea leaves, I will definitely ask the villagers to help me." Bai Ningxiang said politely, but she was telling the truth. Picking tea leaves depends on the weather, and Wei Zi and his gang alone There are not enough people at all, and the nearby villagers are the best choice.

"Miss Bai is polite, I would like to thank you for giving the villagers a job." The village head smiled brighter when he heard Bai Ningxiang's plan.

The more industries there are around, the easier the life of the villagers will be. As the head of the village, he is naturally happy.

A feast, the host and guest enjoy themselves.

"Girl, thank you for your hard work."

Uncle Liang drank a lot of wine, his face was slightly red, but his eyes were extraordinarily clear.

"Uncle Liang, you don't need to say these kind words to me. Since it was entrusted by my brother-in-law, I am obliged to do so." Seeing the people on her side clean up the mess, Bai Ningxiang found a clean table and sat down with soft eyes.

Uncle Liang looked at Bai Ningxiang, and bowed his hands, "This subordinate made a mistake. The girl is the mistress identified by the master, and she is also the leader of the Taohuayuan. The whole Taohuayuan is up and down, at the master's disposal."

"It's just relying on each other, Uncle Liang, you're welcome." Bai Ningxiang looked at Uncle Liang's change, and after being a little dazed, she understood.

In the past, there was a righteous brother who protected her, so no matter whether others were convinced or not, they dared not say much.

Those respects to her were only for the face of her brother-in-law. She knew this a long time ago, and she never forced it. If a person wants to be supported by the other party, or wants to be respected from the heart, it is not as simple as saying a word. Simple.

Without the ability to convince people, it would be as difficult as heaven to regain those proud young men.

She knows where her abilities lie, and she also knows that she will not be able to completely regain those arrogant teenagers for a while. The only thing she can do is to do things in a down-to-earth manner and help her brother guard the pure land of Taohuayuan.

On the afternoon when she came back from Lingjiao Peak, Bai Ningxiang had just finished taking a bath and lay dozing on the beauty's couch when she heard Yun Ni's voice.

"Girl, your second uncle and aunt are asking to see you outside the door."

"What are they here for?" Bai Ningxiang opened her eyes and looked at Yun Ni. She rarely sees the Bai family these days.

"They didn't say anything, but they don't look very good. If the girl doesn't want to see her, the servant girl will send her away." Yun Ni shrugged her shoulders. Recently, everyone is so busy, who cares about them.

"No need...let them come in, I just have time." Bai Ningxiang shook her head, she didn't have any conflicts recently, she was a little curious about the purpose of these two people's visit.

When Bai Ningxiang changed into her regular clothes and came to the front yard, she saw her second uncle and Lu Feng'er sitting in the living room drinking tea and eating snacks.

"I've been busy all the time, I don't know if my second uncle came here suddenly, but is there something wrong?"

Bai Laoer looked at his niece in front of him, but after a while, the girl's eyebrows and eyes became sharper, and she looked more and more like a big brother. For some reason, facing this pair of eyes that resembled a big brother, he felt a little guilty for no reason.

"Cough~, it's okay, isn't it the Chinese New Year..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lu Feng'er, who shyly stared at Bai Er, and then turned to Bai Ningxiang.

"Sister Xiang, Second Aunt knows you are busy, so she won't go around for you. Besides, Second Aunt is not in good spirits and can't work hard for a long time."

As Lu Feng'er said, she raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, as if she was very tired, watching Bai Er Er who was very nervous.

(End of this chapter)

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