Chapter 759 The Return
"...Sister Xiang, I don't think I have done anything excessive, why are you hostile to me?" Lu Feng'er was puzzled, her eyes were full of grievances, and even Bai Er who was sitting next to her was full of disapproval , thinking that Bai Ningxiang was too presumptuous.

"I can't talk about hostility, but I'm not interested in you, and I don't want to make friends. You are very troublesome, understand?"

You can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep, but if she wants to disgust herself, there's no way.

" can you say that, anyway, I'm also your second aunt."

Lu Feng'er clutched her belly, her face was a little pale, and Bai's second child was really distressed, "Sister Xiang, pay attention to your tone, she is your second aunt and your elder after all."

"Second uncle, this is my home, I didn't invite you to come."

As Bai Ningxiang spoke, she picked up the tea, "Yun Ni, see off the guests."

After Bai Ningxiang had finished speaking, Bai Er'er's face immediately turned red.

"Feng'er, let's go. I told you a long time ago not to make a trip, but you didn't listen." Bai Er was very helpless, got up to help Lu Feng, his tone was distressed.

"I don't want you to work too hard, and you still blame me, huh..." Lu Feng'er said, her tears couldn't stop.

Bai Ningxiang supported her forehead, "Second Aunt Xin, it's Chinese New Year's Eve, and it's a festive day. If you want to cry back to your own home, what's the point of crying at someone else's house?"

"Sister Xiang, please keep your mouth open." Bai Laoer hugged him in his arms, "Your second aunt is not in good health, and she is pregnant, so I can't be sad."

"Second Uncle Lianxiang Xiyu, please go back to my home. I don't like people crying in front of me. No matter how lucky I am, I will cry away. There is no bad luck."

Really, pregnancy is not terminally ill, what do you want to do in front of her?
If you want to win sympathy, you shouldn't be in front of her, okay?

Seeing them hugging each other and going out, Bai Ningxiang said coldly, "Also, if there is nothing serious to do in the future, then don't come here. I can't stand Lu Shi acting like a monster, my eyes hurt."

"Wuuuuu... I don't have any evil intentions, how could you treat me like this?" Lu Feng'er covered her face and shrugged her shoulders.

Bai Er: "...Feng'er, don't be sad, it's just a New Year pig, it's not a big deal. If you're happy, we'll kill it ourselves, just to celebrate for you."

He knew that coming here was just asking for humiliation, but Feng'er just didn't believe it.

Now being embarrassing in person, I might cry when I go back.

Bai Er Er looked at Lu Feng'er's stomach, silently pursed the corners of his lips, hugged her and left quickly.

Yun Ni sent people out, seeing Lu Feng'er about to faint, she spoke with a smile.

"Second Madam, who are you showing this to? Our girl didn't provoke you. Since she is pregnant, she will take good care of it at home. It is so hard to be pregnant at such a young age. Would you like my girl to help you hire a gynecologist? Take a look, what is the reason?"

It's Chinese New Year, people come and go, if Lu Feng'er can leave with red eyes today, tomorrow the whole village will suspect that her girl is bullying others.

Listening to Yun Ni's reminder, and seeing the malicious smile in her eyes, Lu Feng'er thumped, and immediately shook her head weakly.

"Don't worry about it, Miss Xiang. It's not good to ask a doctor for Chinese New Year. I just didn't have a good rest last night. I'll be fine after a night of sleep."

"Oh, so that's how it is. The second lady hastened to go back to rest and walk slowly." Yun Ni curled her lips and turned to go back.

(End of this chapter)

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