Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 762 The Descendants of the Yang Family

Chapter 762 The Descendants of the Yang Family
"Thank you for your understanding, miss. Don't worry, even if I am smashed to pieces, I won't hurt you... It's that girl Baicha, please take care of me from now on."

The corners of Bai Ningxiang's lips twitched, even a nice word was awkward to hear, it can be seen that this person is not good at talking, and there is too much hatred hidden in his heart.

Originally, she didn't want to participate, but when she looked at Bai Wu, she couldn't help asking, "Are you the child of the Secretary of Agriculture's Yang family?"

Bai Wu suddenly raised his head, his eyes were dark and cold, and Bai Ningxiang was startled, and he waved at him quickly.

"Don't get excited, I also heard brother Yi mention a few words, but he was still young at that time, and he didn't know the whole story very well."

Bai Wu calmed down for a while, put away the hostility all over his body, and was silent for a long time before saying something in a low voice.

"The girl is right. My surname is Yang, and my father is Sinonongqing Yang Mingzhi. Because he was involved in a conspiracy, his home was ransacked. The whole family, only my sister and I were escorted and escaped..."

Thinking of the horrors of that year, he couldn't help but tremble all over. Originally, the clansmen were sentenced to exile, but in the end what happened was the massacre of extermination.

"Nurse Duan is my mother's dowry nun. At that time, she carried her younger sister and fled with us, but it was too chaotic. In order to distract the pursuers, Nanny Duan left alone. I thought she was dead long ago, so I hugged her. With the attitude of giving it a try, I searched the place where I was lost back then, but I did not expect to meet her. She was seriously injured and unconscious, but was rescued, and luckily survived."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Alas, she knew that the Bai Wu brothers and sisters were not easy.

Dog blood
"You want to reverse the case?"

Bai Ningxiang looked at him, raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows,
"Brother Yi once told me that there were many doubts about the Yang family's bloody case back then... But it's been so long, and it's not easy to overturn the case."

"I know that there were quite a few officials involved in it back then, and the biggest obstacle was..."

When Bai Wu said this, he suddenly stopped, looked at Bai Ningxiang apologetically,
"Sorry, I shouldn't have told you so much."

It's not good for a girl to know too much.

"... Back then, many people chose to be wise and protect their lives. I spent half a year in Qingdu, and I visited several close friends of my father. They all kept secrets about this matter. In the end, only one person promised me that I would find enough evidence. If he can guarantee to reverse the case, he will come forward and tell the secrets he knows, otherwise he will let me rot in my belly forever."

Bai Ningxiang nodded, "What they said is correct. If you don't have enough evidence, you won't be able to get out of that cave in Qingdu. On the contrary, you have failed your mother's original intention of escorting your siblings to the death."

"It's better to die than to live. If your parents can see it, they don't agree with you taking the risk of overturning the case."

Bai Wu clenched his fists, his veins protruding, and he spoke hoarsely after a while.

"But I'm not reconciled." Why do they sacrifice others for their own benefit?
Bai Ningxiang stood up, walked in front of Bai Wu, reached out and patted his arm, her eyes drifted away,

"It is impossible to use common sense to judge the right and wrong of things in the world. Although the saying that people die for money cannot be generalized for everyone, most people find it difficult to give up this temptation."

"Although I don't understand the game in the officialdom, I still know how important the position of Secretary of Agriculture is." Too upright and lack of self-protection ability, the end is really miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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