Chapter 766
"Yes, girl,"

Yun Ni glared at her, turned around and walked into the room. After a while, she took out a piece of yellowed deed paper and handed it to her.
"Wang Sanya, you are free, let's go."

Xia Qing's eyes widened as she looked at the deed of sale that was handed to her. When she turned her head around, her face was full of panic.

After leaving the Bai family, she has nowhere to go, and she will never go back to the Wang family.

Ever since she left the home where the cannibals didn't spit out the bones, she realized that people can have other living hairs.

In the days of Bai's house, she ate well and dressed well, and she could still go to school. She went to and from school with Qiaoer every day, relaxed and free, and she was very satisfied with her current life.

If you leave here, the world will be vast, but there is no place for her.

"Sister Xiang...don't drive me away, I will be very obedient. After I leave here, I can only live on the street. I have nowhere to go."

It wasn't until then that Xia Qing panicked completely. At this moment, she finally understood that she was different from Qiao'er.

"Shut up, as a maidservant, the master can give you face, but you are not qualified to treat the master as a sister, that is called arrogance."

"The current people have to have the self-consciousness and rules of the current people. I remember that after you stepped into the gate of the Bai family, I explained my identity clearly. There are only three masters of the Bai family, the wife, the girl and the young master."

"Besides, the servant who served the master in the previous life, the girl is lenient to you, you have to be self-aware, not push your nose on the face."

Yun Ni snorted, and raised her hand to brush her hair at the temples. The old lady was so respected by the girl, she didn't dare to offend her.

What are you?
Xia Qing pouted, not knowing that those words reminded her,
"Then what is Qiao'er? Is he also a servant?" If there are only three masters in the Bai family, what is Qiao'er's family?Also a servant?

"Bah~, it's been a year of studying for nothing, and I don't understand any reason. Sister Qiao's surname is Zhang, and she is the cousin of the Bai family, because her mother is the aunt of the Bai family, understand?"

Yun Ni looked at her with contempt already, she was negligent, if she had known that this girl had such a paranoid temper, she should have set rules for her earlier.

Bai Ningxiang shook her head, "Go clean up and leave. Your temperament is not suitable for staying in the Bai family. I will do my best to you."

"What kind of benevolence and righteousness is it? She is a white-eyed wolf who owes the Bai family. She doesn't want to think about what she was like when she first came here, and what she is like now. Hmph, I thought that good bamboo shoots from bad bamboos turned out to be the same thing."

Hearing Yun Ni's unceremonious ridicule, Xia Qing's face turned blue and red. She didn't dare to accept her contract of sale, and rushed to Bai Ningxiang and knelt down.

"Sister Xiang... I was wrong, I should listen to you, don't worry, I will take good care of Miss Xie, and there will be no mistakes."

It was her difference, and it was also the good days that gave her the illusion.

She is indeed different from Qiao'er, she is a cousin girl, a relative, and half the master of the mansion, but she has always been a servant of the mansion, a maidservant, and has never changed.

Bai Ningxiang looked at Xia Qing, picked up the teacup and sipped tea, "It's my fault too, I should have explained the rules to you in advance, but you have been staying at Bai's house for a long time, and you have learned almost what you need to learn. Take it seriously."

"Don't... I, oh no, the servant girl is willing to serve others, please hold your hand high and forgive the servant girl once."

(End of this chapter)

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