Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 779 1 face spring is infinite

Chapter 779

As Bai Ningxiang said, it was rare to see the little boy's cheeks turn pink. Sure enough, it's different after becoming a family.

Hearing Bai Ningxiang's ridicule, the little man blushed and glared at her. Even so, he couldn't hide the spring in his eyes. She glanced at Haihai, and sighed again in her heart. She is really a fool. It's a wonderful feeling to have my own independent home.

A man in his early thirties is not too old for her. Although he is a little disabled, he is physically and mentally strong... He takes good care of her every day, with the love of an old father, the responsibility of a husband, and the hairy Kidlike impulsiveness... How could she, a Xiaobai who had never been in a relationship, be able to resist it?

Every time there is no move other than disarming and surrendering.

Thinking of this, the little man felt aggrieved again, always feeling like he had fallen into the wolf's den, pitiful for her old waist, which was so tightly grasped, that it was about to break.

Bai Ningxiang looked at her reluctance to speak, and shook her head, really blinded, "Okay, I don't dare to let you serve me now, it will hurt my eyes."

With such a blissful person dangling under her nose every day, she couldn't afford to be hurt.

Xie Furong saw that the two of them looked like masters and servants, and curiosity flashed in her eyes. Fortunately, she was not in a hurry, anyway, she would know sooner or later that she was going to live here.

"Ahem...Xiangxiang, I think the weather is fine today, and I want to go to the wine shop. Send me a carriage."

When I was in Qingdu before, I heard that the weather here is like spring all year round and the weather is pleasant. Now it is really comfortable to be in it.

"This is what you should, Yun Ni, you go and arrange it, go with Sister Xie, say hello to Wei Zi, and prepare a yard for Sister Xie."

Listening to Xie Furong's proposal, Bai Ningxiang did not object.

"Don't worry, girl, it must be properly arranged." Yun Ni promised, turned and left, and after a while, the carriage had already stopped at the gate.

"Junior brother, let's go." Xie Furong got up, bid farewell to everyone, got up and went to Lingjiao Peak.

"Girl, I have something for you." Han Jing raised his hand and waved in front of her eyes, turning her gaze to himself.

"I saw those two big boxes." Bai Ningxiang knew what that meant, with a smile on her face.

"Those are for outsiders to see, don't count, I'll give you the ones in the room." Saying that, Han Jing got up, took Bai Ningxiang's hand directly, and walked towards the east wing.

Seeing the boss being abducted like this, the little man felt a little unconvinced, and just as he was about to speak, Dahai grabbed his arm.

"You don't need to worry about the girl's affairs. Let's go to the mountain and see if we can cut some winter jasmines for you to decorate your house."

"Ah? Good." The little man hesitated for a while, and finally followed the sea to the Houshan Tea Garden.

In the blink of an eye, all the people in the courtyard were gone, and only Ding Yang was left leaning on the pillar under the porch, squinting at the sun above his head. Everyone has their own lives. This should be like this, right?
Bai Ningxiang followed Yixiong into the east wing, and immediately saw the small box on the table.

"Open it yourself." Han Jing handed her the key, motioning for her to do it herself.

In fact, Bai Ningxiang was also curious. This camphorwood box with red lacquerware is square and not small. It's just a little smaller than the two outside. I don't know what it contains?
(End of this chapter)

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