Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 781 Going to the Backyard

Chapter 781 Going to the Backyard

On the surface, Rongcheng is a barter trading center approved by the government, but there is a dark market hidden in the dark.

The location is on the First Street next to the Naihe Bridge. Every night, the lights are dim and there are many people. It belongs to an underground trading center. Of course, some of the things that can appear here are shady, and some are for profiteering.

There are also some dandies of the family who pawn and resell family heirlooms, in short, everything.

It was at that time that Han Jing discovered that although he had guarded the border for several years, he had never paid attention to this kind of private transaction.

After an open and unannounced visit, he realized that Liu Gongren, the former city lord, had played a very important role in promoting the dark market's quiet growth in Rongcheng.

According to the rules of the dark market, after the transaction is successful, the two parties will make their own profit and loss, and the goods will leave the hands, regardless of whether it is good or bad.

Private transactions to avoid heavy taxes, but the stewards of the first street will send a generous fee to the city lord's mansion every month, which is another gray income of Liu Gongren.

After Bai Ningxiang inspected them, she put them back one by one, "I really like the dowry gift prepared by brother-in-law, thank you for your hard work."

"You and I are a husband and wife who stay together for a lifetime. As a husband, how can we do without snacks?"

Han Jin reached out and scratched her little nose. Outsiders only knew that he married a country girl, but who would know that he married a cornucopia.

This girl's money-making skills are much better than his.

So, after all the calculations, he is still the winner.

Thinking of this, Han Jing's eyes flashed darkly, "When will the patriarch be invited to witness our engagement ceremony, and you will be justified if you follow me in the future?"

Only after crossing the Ming Road in Bashan Village and the end of spring tea in successive years, can the girl go to Qingdu with the transport team in a fair manner.

Bai Ningxiang discussed it with Han Jing with a blushing face, there are still six days before the Chinese New Year, two days will be a good day.

On the 26th of the twelfth lunar month, there is a banquet with wine, and the ingredients are all ready-made, so it doesn't take much trouble.

After confirming the date, Bai Ningxiang went to the backyard with Han Jing, Shen shi didn't ask the secular world anymore, Bai Ningxiang still wanted to tell her about such a big event as her daughter's engagement.

As for whether to show up, she really didn't know what to do.

When Aunt Deng saw the girl coming, her eyes were red with joy, "Young lady, go to the living room and sit down first, and this old servant will ask Madam to come out."

"Aunt Deng called Yixiong to wait in the living room for a while, and I will go to see my mother in person."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she looked at her brother-in-law apologetically, and walked towards the Buddhist hall.

Even though she knew her mother was unreliable, she still wanted to keep that attachment.

"It's okay, let's go."

Han Jing nodded, and went directly to the living room with Aunt Deng to wait. Xiangxiang had her self-esteem and saved the last face for Shen, so naturally he would not stop her.

The closer she got to the Buddhist hall, the more restless Bai Ningxiang felt. Muyu's voice did not wipe away the dust in her heart, but the closer she got, the heavier she became.

Shen is dressed in plain clothes and has a high bun, but she doesn't have any accessories on her head.

At this time, she was sitting cross-legged on the futon with low eyebrows, chanting scriptures and knocking on the wooden fish, her expression seemed very peaceful.

Even her complexion is good. Although Bai Ningxiang doesn't come to the backyard, she has always eaten well, so even though she hasn't seen her for a year, she still looks the same as before.

"Aunt Deng, what's the matter?"

Shen felt that someone was standing at the door, and after waiting for a while, but no one spoke, she turned her head and looked over.

"Sister Xiang... are you here for something?"

(End of this chapter)

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