Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 785 Love House and Wu

Chapter 785 Love House and Wu
Bai Ningxiang glanced at this aunt, and smiled inwardly. This person is well-known in the whole village for his hot temper. Fortunately, he is a nice person and reasonable.

No matter what other thoughts she has, as long as it is harmless, she can help.

"Ahem... General Han, Xiang girl, grandpa understands everything, time is urgent, you just go to work, and grandpa will take those old men to sit in town for you later."

Patriarch Bai coughed and ended the conversation. He didn't blame Wang for interjecting.

There is no other reason. Several grandchildren in the family have grown up. It is not easy to judge how knowledge is. If you can find a way out from the border army, it is not impossible.

It's better to have a guide in front of them than to hit the big luck by themselves with their eyes smeared.

Mrs. Li personally sent the two of them to the gate, "General Han, Xiangxiang, you go back first, I will settle the family affairs, and I will go there immediately, don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with the godmother."

"Thank you, godmother, you really helped me a lot."

Bai Ningxiang's heart is very warm. Since she recognized Li as a godmother, she has taken care of a lot of big and small things. It would be a lie to say that she is not moved.

Han Jing watched them interact, and stood silently beside Bai Ningxiang, "Don't bother Auntie, this junior is very grateful to you for sharing your heart with Xiangxiang, please don't call me general one by one, just call me Brother Ting."

Li: "..."

Is it suitable?

Seeing the godmother hesitate, Bai Ningxiang directly took her arm and explained with a smile,
"You don't have to think too much about it, the godmother. Brother Yi's small characters are called Han Ting. It's okay to call him Brother Ting."

She knew that the brother-in-law did it for her, Aiwujiwu.

Otherwise, for ordinary farmers, no one would dare to know his name.

Mrs. Li rubbed her hands, her expression was cramped, she was just a peasant woman, and if she was asked to call a general as a junior, she always lacked confidence in her heart.

"This... I'm afraid I won't be able to shout it out." Li Shi smiled coyly, her expression still awkward.

"Auntie, you're welcome, it's just a name, just get used to it."


Han Jing was not surprised by Li's attitude. When he first came to the border, every time he went out to inspect the surrounding villages, whenever he met people, he would avoid them if he could. dare not.

No matter how you explain it, it won't work. For this reason, he also issued a death order, forbidding officers and soldiers to disturb the people, and if he found out, he would be beheaded directly for public display.

After these years of getting along, although the officers, soldiers and locals still do not violate the river, they are not as scared as before.

Therefore, Li's performance is already good.

Mrs. Li patted her dry daughter's hand, "Go back quickly."

Seeing the backs of the two walking side by side, Li's eyes turned red. This girl is a lucky one... It's a pity that she has little knowledge, so she doesn't know if it's good or not.

In case Sister Xiang got angry at her in-laws' family, they might not even have the courage to come to ask for an explanation.

Han Jing turned her head to look at the corner of the little girl's raised lips, her eyebrows twitched, "Young girl is very happy."


Bai Ningxiang took a deep breath, raised her eyes to look at Yibro's sparkling eyes, and couldn't help covering her chest, "I'm very glad that you can put down your posture and say hello to the godmother's family."

Hearing the girl's tone, Han Jing couldn't help laughing, is it just such a small matter?

"It's worth your joy?"

"Of course, if you respect them, you respect me and value me. If you dismiss them or put on a superior tone, I have to worry."

(End of this chapter)

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