Chapter 791
It is the same age as Hua, so he is willing to live in the backyard for the rest of his life, and be with the Buddha.

"Miss is right. From the eyes of a servant girl, Xia Xue is indeed a talented person. When Miss Xie finds a suitable girl, the servant girl will definitely teach Xia Xue well and let her be the chief of the girl's side." Big maid."

Her family's girl will surely have a bright future.

"Pfft~, so generous, she became the chief maid, what do you do?"

Listening to Yun Ni's enthusiastic plan, Bai Ningxiang smiled, and at the same time went to dissipate the depression in her heart.

"Miss, don't tease the servant girl. I have been with you for a day or two. Let's not talk about other things, but there are so many industries around the girl, and they are in urgent need of manpower. Therefore, you must have at least four chief ministers by your side." Maid, I need to match a few second- and third-class maids."

"We each perform our own duties. From the girl's basic necessities of life to helping you run errands, all of them need manpower. Besides, the girl holds such private property in her hands, and she always needs her confidant to take care of it to be at ease."

"Not to mention that after today, when you become the mistress of the Han family, you will definitely add a lot of common affairs. After so many years of understanding, the servant girl boldly guessed that our young master doesn't seem to know how to save money."

Listening to Yun Ni's narration, Bai Ningxiang couldn't help but be amazed, "You said Yibro didn't know how to save money, what did you say?"

"Ahem... This is not guessed by the maidservant, but the maidservant saw it with wide eyes. You said, every time the young master gives you so many good things, it is said that the family is rich? But when the maidservant followed the young master before, Shi Chang heard that Young Master is scratching his head to raise money."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

Scratch your head?
how come?
Although the righteous brother doesn't know much about the art of merchants, but it's not so embarrassing, right?
"Miss, don't believe me, so in order to raise money to appease the wounded, the servant girl followed Feng Er to bring two bandit dens."

Hearing Yun Ni's explosive news, Bai Ningxiang was a little dumbfounded, she really didn't know this.

Thinking about the things in her treasury, Bai Ningxiang supported her forehead, and gave her so much, she thought that her brother's private treasury must be very rich.

Didn't realize it was just an empty shell.

"So, it is also a blessing for you to meet a girl. You are a cornucopia of money. In just a few years, take a look at our tea factory, our tea garden, and the winery we are about to use. You are simply a mythical beast."

Yun Ni's eyebrows were beaming when she said that, and she didn't care about her girl's dumbfounding expression at all.

"Therefore, according to what the servant girl said, it is not too much to have four big maids by your side, eight are not too much. According to me, it is enough to have sixteen."

Bai Ningxiang: "..."

This girl really dares to think, four is acceptable, eight is already ostentatious, and she dares to think about sixteen, why not go to heaven.

"The wives of those aristocratic families are nothing more than eight chief girls. If I put on airs according to what you said, I might be arranged in a certain way."

Don't even think about it, she can just come out, those people will definitely laugh at her for being arrogant, nouveau riche bumpkin is ignorant and so on.

"Let's just know what's up with the girl, why should we bother with those sour words?"

Yun Ni held her neck high, she couldn't eat grapes, and there were too many people who said that the grapes were sour. Even if her girl didn't need a girl, just the matter of marrying the son would be discussed for a while after dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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