Nongmen's fierce wife busy farming

Chapter 806 is still a small money fan

Chapter 806 is still a small money fan
"Ah, can it? Will it affect your progress?"

Hearing her brother's plan, Bai Ningxiang's eyes lit up, it's a long way from here to Qingdu, just taking the car can make people vomit, she's preparing something to relieve boredom.

It would be great if the righteous brother could walk with him.

"No, when I leave for Beijing, I will take Liu Gongren with me and hand it over to the monarch. For unnecessary trouble, I will send another group of guards to escort the prison van back to Qingdu."

Liu Gongren's matter is related to the princes and nobles of Qingdu, and the monarch must let the Ministry of punishment torture him.

So, no matter what, Liu Gongren died in his hands.

Listening to the brother-in-law's narration, Bai Ningxiang blinked, and said in a low voice, "Switching in the dark?"

"Heh~, that's right."

"No problem, I'll get someone to prepare food for you, hurry up and deal with things, and we'll set off together later."

As soon as Bai Ningxiang was happy, she immediately recruited Yunni and asked her to tell Qiuniang to prepare New Year's goods for her brother-in-law and take them to Rongcheng.

In the remaining two days, the two got tired of being together, playing chess and chess, drinking tea and talking intimately.

During the Chinese New Year, everyone is free, and there are people coming and going at home, because many people in the village are very curious about Han Jing, and they want to take advantage of the gap of a century to see the real person.

Tired of dealing with it, the two simply went up the mountain through the back door.

The color of the tea mountain in the first month is still green. Looking up at the top of the mountain, a foggy scene pervades the mountains and forests, like a fairy and an illusion.

Beside the ditch at the foot of the mountain, banana trees fluttered in the wind. Bai Ningxiang took Han Jing's hand and walked up the steps.

"The weather in the new year is mild like spring, which is most suitable for the growth of tea. This year is bound to be another bumper harvest year."

Bai Ningxiang raised her head, her eyes sparkled, her thousand-acre tea plantation was a year earlier than that of Lingjiao Peak, and it was in good growth condition, so the income should be good.

Moreover, she has already planned to make all the spring tea from the small tea tree into Kungfu black tea and take it to Qingdu for the purpose of blending fruit scented tea.

Han Jing looked at the girl's gleaming eyes, like two dazzling gold ingots. When this thought came to his mind, he couldn't help laughing.
It's really close to Zhu Zhechi, and he has become a money fan?

"Cough~, little money fan, in such a fairyland, you only think of gold and silver?"

"Our Daba Mountain has always been beautiful like a fairyland, especially after the New Year, the more beautiful the forest, the more conducive to the growth of tea trees, and it is not good to be too dry, too dry, too cold or too hot."

Bai Ningxiang said, pointing to the scene surrounded by mist on the top of the mountain,
"Daba Mountain has a mild climate all year round, abundant rainfall, shrouded in clouds and mist, and fertile soil. It is a good place for tea trees to grow. Have you seen the stream flowing down the tea garden? That is the favorite place for tea trees to grow."

"It is said in ancient books that tea trees like to grow on both sides of canyons and streams. There are verdant evergreen needle-leaved and broad-leaved trees as a natural barrier, which can keep the air moist and absorb sunlight from multiple angles. As long as the conditions are favorable, the tea trees will grow It can grow vigorously and last for a long time.”

"Therefore, the buds and leaves of our Daba Mountain tea have many hairs, are plump and tender, germinate early, and keep tenderness for a relatively long time. Therefore, the taste of the tea is extraordinarily fresh...the price is relatively high. "

When it came to something she cared about, Bai Ningxiang opened her mouth and stopped.

When Han Jing watched the girl talk about the things she liked, her whole body radiated a different brilliance, which made people reluctant to look away.

(End of this chapter)

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