Chapter 808
Hearing the girl's tone, Han Jing was surprised, "I didn't expect that the girl still pretends to be the people of the world?"

"Don't laugh at me, I can't pretend to be the people of the world, but the bigger the property in my hands, the more people I need to hire. They can buy food and make clothes by exchanging their labor for rewards, so they won't starve or suffer from cold. real."

Bai Ningxiang said, pointing to the large tea garden in front,
"I am a dedicated tea farmer, and I can also be called a small landlord. Between me and the tea pickers, employment is also an exchange of equal value. We coexist and rely on each other, so there is no one who gives alms to the other."

She has always respected the labor force at the bottom, and does not feel ashamed of exchanging labor for remuneration.

Han Jing looked at the girl in front of her quietly, and after a long silence, she opened her mouth quietly.

"If everyone thinks like a girl, all the people in the world can live and work in peace, and the country will live in peace."

It's a pity that people's hearts are not ancient, and some people use various guises to either squeeze the people or seek the people's fat and anointing.

The hearts of the people are not in harmony, chaos abounds, border tartars have repeatedly violated the border, and even in Nanyi, banditry has begun to rampant.

He has always thought about the method of governance, but now listening to the girl's remarks, he has a kind of awakening like enlightenment.

If the people have enough food and clothing, there is no need to take risks.

Eliminate the common people and cause chaos, and the remaining merchants and pawns who want to make huge profits, if they are killed to make an example, there is nothing to fear.

The path is clear, but he has to think about how to implement it. How to make those landlords and businessmen not oppress hired workers and pay wages truthfully is the key point.

Thinking of this, Han Jing took Bai Ningxiang's hand for a while, "Girl, what should I do if I encounter landlords and merchants who deduct wages?"

"Ah? This is not easy to deal with. Employed workers are generally powerless people. When encountering such a situation, they are unwilling and dare not confront those landlords head-on. They can only admit that they are unlucky."

As Bai Ningxiang said, she raised her hand and grabbed a leaf. After thinking about it carefully, she couldn't help but suggest,

"If there is a season when there is a lot of labor, such as the tea picking season and the harvest season, the government can come forward to sit in the town, or you officials can put down your identities and go around to inspect, so that the people who encounter injustice can sue for grievances and respond to requests. , should serve as a deterrent.”

"Besides, there is another method, which is to have the two parties sign an employment contract and have the government record it."

"In this way, those landlords and merchants who try to default on or deduct wages will not dare to break the law easily. As long as the employed party files a complaint and the government finds out, they will punish the merchants and landlords with a large amount of money... Although this method is the most effective, it is necessary to let those landlords Merchants take the initiative to sign documents, but it is not easy, because this method only protects the weak and is beneficial to hired workers."

"This method of signing the document was mentioned to me by the young man. She said that in this way, it is actually a constraint on both parties, but it is not easy to implement it. The government must intervene. Otherwise, no one would like to do it for nothing Add a shackle to yourself."

Listening to the girl's explanation, Han Jing nodded, "That's true. If you have money, power and property, you don't pay attention to a small hired worker. Naturally, you don't want to cause trouble for yourself and sign some documents."

Thinking of this, Han Jing raised his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows. He is a general, and it is his responsibility to expand the territory and stabilize the country. It is indeed his shortcoming to appease the people's livelihood.

(End of this chapter)

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