Chapter 815 Missed

Mrs. Shen wiped her face with a handkerchief, only to find that the whole family was staring at her, and immediately turned her head uncomfortably, but those bright red eyes told everyone that she was very uncomfortable at home. comfortable.

Old Shen took a deep breath again, looked up at the servants at the door, "I heard that Sister Xiang specially built a courtyard so that you can concentrate on worshiping the Buddha, can you open the old lady's eyes?"

"Mother, look at what you said, your daughter's yard, it's not just a matter of saying that you want to go." After saying that, Shen got up, "Sister-in-law and sister-in-law are going too?"

"Cough~, we won't go, my sister-in-law's house is so grand, we want to wander around casually, and it won't be too late to go again."

The mother and daughter obviously have something to say, why are they making trouble?

Shen accompanied her mother to her yard, and explained a lot to her along the way.

Wang Shi and Liu Shi looked at each other and shook their heads impatiently. Today is really an eye-opener. It is not easy for Sister Xiang to face such a mother who can be a monster every day.

"Well, some people just don't care about blessings. If I had such a precious girl, I would respect and pamper her every day, and treat her as my ancestor."

"Pfft~, brother and sister, what are you talking about? Could it be that your sister Liu is not good? I will tell her later, let the girl come back and make trouble with you." Wang Shi gave her an angry look, and the two walked slowly in the corridor. .

"Yo, don't dare, that girl is very powerful, and she still reads through my ears when she turns around."

Mrs. Liu exaggeratedly clutched her chest, looking overly frightened, walking in the Jiuqu corridor, feeling envious and thinking of something, Mrs. Liu looked around, the girls were far away, and spoke hesitantly .

"Ahem~, Sister-in-law, I heard that my sister-in-law intended to match Brother Hua and Sister Xiang, have you ever considered it?"

Hearing the reminder from her younger siblings, Wang Shi was taken aback for a moment, then her expression froze.
"In the past, the little girl might have meant this, but she was too conceited. She mentioned it to her mother in private, and wanted her to make the decision directly... Anyway, I am also Brother Hua's mother. How can a mother like me not have her own son betrothed?" Clear reasoning? I was not happy at the time, so I didn't agree."

If you want to match Sister Xiang and Brother Hua, want to settle down with her son, dare to go past her, what a dream.

It's true that others don't know what she's thinking. It's just that she is afraid that sister Xiang will marry someone else's family and will not be able to take care of her natal family. She also knows that she is useless, so she thinks of matching her natal nephew and daughter.

If the marriage is settled, even if they don't like it, they can't stop Sister Xiang from shouldering both ends. No matter what, they have to wait for Brother Xing to grow up.

When Wang looked at the Bai family's house, everything was exquisite. Just for this alone, she also knew that Sister Xiang was capable.

But with such a demonic sister-in-law at the stall, she was really afraid that Hua'er's career would be hindered.

"Cough~, sister-in-law, I shouldn't say something. In fact, you can think about it. Our brother Hua is so good at studying, and he will definitely go up in the future. Since Sister Xiang is so capable, she must also support it. Why don't you come here?" Kiss and kiss?"

Liu's meaning is very straightforward, reading costs money, and Sister Xiang's family has a big business, so she will definitely be able to help in the future.

"Sisters and sisters be careful, you have seen our sister-in-law just now. It's really embarrassing. I'm always uneasy."

Just looking at Sister Xiang's demeanor today, it can be seen that she has her own opinions, and then looking at the cowardly behavior of my sister-in-law, she is only pretending to cry, she is really afraid that the proposal is just her wishful thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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