Chapter 818 Snitching
"Uncle, two ladies, the meal is ready, the girl sent someone to ask, how about a banquet at this time?" Yun Ni saluted, with a smile in her eyes.

"Girl Yunni, right? We're here as guests, and it's up to Sister Xiang to set up the banquet." Wang replied with a smile, and they didn't dare to put on airs.

"Your wife and the old lady are still talking?"

"It should be, the girl also sent someone to inquire." Yun Ni reported the truth, then turned and left.

"Look, how long has Sister Xiang been courteous? This is to save face with us." Liu sighed, and she didn't want to say any unnecessary words.

The banquet was set in the front hall. After Bai Ningxiang explained, he just turned from the kitchen to the corridor when he saw his second cousin standing by the banana tree in the yard.

"Second cousin, why are you here alone? The banquet is about to start."

"Cousin Xiangxiang is right, I'm waiting for brother Hong." The boy went to clean the room, he had been waiting for a quarter of an hour, and the boy hadn't come out yet.

"In my own home, I can't lose it. Cousin goes to the front hall and sits first. I'll send someone to look for it." Bai Ningxiang said, and told Yun Ni, "Look where my little cousin went, take him to the front hall for dinner. .”

"Yes, girl."

Shen Hua saw that his cousin arranged things in an orderly manner, and he felt admiration, but also felt a little guilty, "Cousin... If my father said something, don't take it to heart, I know my cousin is good."

Hearing Shen Hua's tone, Bai Ningxiang glanced at him in surprise, "Why did my cousin say that?"

"Ahem... just now I saw that father and second uncle asked you to come over and talk." Shen Hua is a scholar after all, and lying is too difficult for her.

It turned out to be the case.

"Second cousin, don't worry, I really didn't take it to heart." As for whether the eldest uncle and second uncle would take it to heart, it's hard to say.

The two came to the front hall together, and at this moment, Mrs. Shen took the old lady and sat down.

After everyone saw the figures of the two, after being surprised, the eyes of several people staring at Bai Ningxiang became complicated.

Bai Ningxiang looked down at her dress, but she didn't find anything dirty, "Is there something dirty on my face?"

Shen Hua was close, so he turned his head to take a look, and shook his head with a slightly embarrassing expression, "No, it's very good."

Seeing her son's behavior, Mrs. Wang sighed silently. Thinking of her mother's tone just now, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Cough~, Sister Xiang, we just heard the news of your engagement, and we were a little shocked. Uncles like us don't even know about such a big thing."

Just now she was thinking about getting married, but fortunately she only turned around in her heart and didn't speak, otherwise it would be her and her son who would be ashamed.

Bai Ningxiang glanced at her mother with lower eyebrows and pleasing eyes, and smiled lightly,
"Originally, I was waiting to tell my grandmother when the banquet started. Since my mother has already said it, I will not say more. After the spring tea is over, I will go to Qingdu with my brother-in-law to make a formal settlement, and wait for my niece to return. , will definitely hold a banquet to solemnly inform relatives and friends, but the eldest aunt will also receive invitations."

"So, Xiao Ding years ago, except for the members of the Bai clan, he didn't notify the rest, and he didn't want his relatives to make an extra trip."

"When we were discussing Xiao Ding, we notified my mother immediately, but my mother didn't say anything, so naturally I didn't dare to trouble my aunt casually."

It's fine for her to make an extra trip and pay extra points, but others may not be out of ideas.

After Bai Ningxiang finished speaking, she kept silent, and the living room fell into a brief embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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